ou know the kind of crap days I’m talking about. You wake up in the morning and smash your thigh into the end of your bed. When you open the fridge all bleary eyed, the milk comes crashing out and spills all over the floor. You’re 15 minutes late from cleaning up the mess. You spend all day correcting mistakes, putting out fires and cajoling people. Finally you pick up your keys, get ready to head out the door. You feel headachey, tired, upset and low. You want to drown yourself in gin/wine/bourbon/chocolate (choose your poison). STOP. HAMMER TIME… or rather… keep reading. Here’s how to cope with a crap day…
Most headaches are caused by dehydration. Chug back a litre of water and let it settle. A FULL LITRE. Don’t get soft on me now.
Regulate your body temperature
If it’s summer where you are drink a huge glass of iced water and lie very still near a fan. If it’s snowing have a hot bath and put on deliciously warm track suit pants. I swear that 90% of my irritation at any given time is due to being uncomfortably hot or cold.
Eat green things
Pizza, wine, beer, chips – they’re all a great idea in theory. In practice, they’ll make you feel even worse. Make yourself a leafy salad or a yummy green based soup. Future you will thank me, I promise.
I know you want to crawl into a ball and sleep until tomorrow but stand up my petal. Put your walking shoes on. Get outside. Breathe some fresh air. Clear your head. Leave your phone at home. Don’t return for at least 20 minutes.
Let it go
Tomorrow is another day. Think of it this way – can you remember the last time you had a day that was this bad (barring actual tragedies)? No? I guarantee this day won’t even be on your radar this coming Saturday night. Time heals all wounds. Especially shitty day wounds.
Only move onto this step once you have completed all of the above. Read a magazine. Watch your favourite TV show. Paint your nails. Put a treatment in your hair. Have ONE glass of wine with a friend.
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What are your favourite ways to get over a bad day?
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By the way you should totally sign up for the Smaggle newsletter and like Smags on Facebook. I don’t want to pressure you but I heard all the cool kids are doing it. Just saying.
Love this post, thanks! I’ve had too many bad days lately and my cure is to put myself to bed to stop my brain overthinking the negative things that happened. An extra hour or two’s rest and sleep makes the bad things diminish.
I totally agree. Everything can be fixed with a quick nap in bed!
Recently, we were given a hammock which we’ve set up on our little balcony. My new favourite thing to do is come home and lie in it reading for the remaining sun light.
Urgh! I LOVE hammocks and I’ve never lived in a place big enough to have one. My dream is to own a big warehouse conversion and have a trampoline and a hammock in it.
Hahaha, awesome! I dream to have an even bigger deck one day for an even bigger hammock.
I like to do all of these things, but especially I like to run or bake a cake or do some grown up colouring in (but not all at the same time.) It’s so therapeutic!
Oh I haven’t baked in ages! I should do that!
Well that was certainly timely! I definitely needed this post today and switched my wallowing in ice cream and HGTV to a kickboxing class with a nice green smoothie. You’re a gem, thank you!
By the way my husband and I call them “Charlie Brown” days. It makes the shitty-ness cuter somehow.
Oh you bloody legend! Go you! I bet you felt like a billion bucks afterwards right?
Yes to all of the above! And thanks for reminding me – I need milk. x
Love you petal. x
I couldn’t agree more – 90% of my crap mood comes from being too cold or too hot. I can’t function if I’m too cold or too hot – like I literally cannot think clearly. My electricity bill is through the roof from it!! Another thing I do to help myself feel better is to walk outside and face the sun – get some rays on my face (only few a few minutes of course – I do have a ton of freckles after all) and breathe in some fresh air. It’s amazing what it can do for your mood. 😀
I do that too! I’m very sun phobic so I sometimes have to force myself to get outside. Always does me wonders though!
I’m super cranky right now from a hard day so this post was clearly meant for me. I find singing helps a lot – particularly very loud songs.
Oh yes! I used to do that when I drove my car every day. I’d crank Queen! 🙂
Definitely what I needed to read today! 🙂