Very Excellent Habits is a place dedicated to helping you be your best self
I give no bullshit, straight up, honest advice on how to get your shit together and how to find systems that work for you, so you can be the best version of yourself.
I always feel my best when my body feels good, my life is sorted and I’m surrounded by functional, gorgeous stuff. It’s not about spending a lot of money or being totally obsessive about a new fitness routine or eating plan. It’s just solid, ongoing advice to keep you motivated to be an ace human.
Plus I’m a bit of a guinea pig, constantly trying things out so I tend to know what’s good simply because I’ve tried everything. I do the leg work and give you the best bits.
I’m Carly
Writer, podcaster, presenter and general life enthusiast. I’m basically walking FOMO. I started Smaggle in 2007 originally as a daily style blog. I started talking about gym classes I was trying, self help books I was reading, podcasts I was listening to and it just evolved into a place where people came for life advice. I live in Melbourne in Fitzroy, with my partner Mr Smaggle (he has a real name but I used it once years ago and everyone freaked out so it’s back to Mr Smaggle again) but we travel a lot so you’ll find us all over the place.
Let’s hang out!
I love working with brands!
Very Excellent Habits is an Australian lifestyle website with a loyal readership of (mostly) women ranging in ages from 20 to 45. My readership is very smart, very savvy and they love a good recommendation and a bit of a giggle. They smell bullshit a mile off, so genuine partnerships with great brands are the name of the game around these parts.
Each month Smaggle gets 60,000 unique readers and has a loyal, engaged following on Facebook and Instagram who are hungry for recommendations. Smaggle is one of the most well established sites of its kind in Australia (read: it’s been around for many years).
I’ve also been…
- On television and radio as an online expert
- Brand ambassador for Woolworths / Jamie Oliver 2015
- Presenter at various conferences
- Named as the Best Beauty and Fashion Blog in 2014 Kidspot Blog Awards
I have worked with over 50 brands making amazing things together. Here are some of those fantastic companies:
So, what could we do together?
It could be developing recipes like I did for Woolworths
Running a health challenge like I did for Bupa
Starting conversation like I did for Melbourne IVF
Providing money tips like I did for MeBank
A detailed review of your product like I did for Luxury Retreats Bali
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