Be your best self.

What turns you on in the opposite sex?

What turns you on in the opposite sex?
Carly Jacobs


Don’t be dirty! I’m referring purely to physical appearance. The other day I was watching TV and this image of Leonardo Dicaprio circa Titanic flashed across the screen. My heart leapt to my throat and I got a wee little tingle in my nether-regions. Twelve year old Lady Smaggle had a serious Leo addiction that lasted a good four years and still rears its love-struck head occasionally. This fixation materialised in the form of Leonardo poster-wallpapered walls and several different combinations of ‘Lady Dicaprio’ ‘Lady Smaggle Dicaprio’ ‘Mrs L Dicaprio’ scrawled across every blank surface that I came into contact with. I’m now twenty-five and for some reason Leo still leaves me weak at the knees. Why? Because he possesses one of my Poonani Tinglers… those weird little physical quirks that will have you chasing an acne-ridden teenager down the street just because he has dreadlocks. Here is my list… 

Floppy Leonardo Dicaprio Hair – Specifically, the scene in Titanic where he is sketching Kate Winslet and he keeps flicking his fringe out his eyes. Swoon. This Poonani Tingler is probably my strongest one. I once dated a guy because he had hair like this and I actually have difficulty speaking to pretty boys who stare at me through their floppy fringes. I know it’s terribly 90’s of me but I love it. 

The Perfect Business Shirt Tuck – I have always had a thing for tailored pants with tucked in business shirts and shiny black belts. I love a neat, tight bum in business pants. I know it sounds dirty (and slightly illegal) but I very occasionally get a tingle from a well built boy in a school uniform. Only on an aesthetic level of course.  

Dark, intense eyes – Not necessarily a dark colour, I mean dark in intensity. Like Giovanni Ribisi. It’s a bit creepy but I kind of like that beaten puppy look. It makes me want to make them tea and give them a bath. 

Boys who wear lots of bracelets and rings – With tanned arms. Swoon. 

Boys who are lovely to their girlfriends in public – Obviously these ones are off limits but there is nothing more sexy than a man who opens a car door for his lady or gives her sneaky kisses when he thinks no one is looking. 

Long, lean boys – With the exception of one, all of my ex-boyfriends have been very tall and very slim. Just the way I like them. Mr Smaggle is physical perfection – six foot four, slim hips, broader shoulders and a deliciously toned torso. I love the way clothes fit him and I LOVE it when he leans against walls. Does anyone else understand the wall leaning thing? 

Over to you poppets! What weird and wonderful things turn you on? Boys – please participate! What do you love in a potential lady? 

Love Lady Smaggle




  1. Showa59 15 years ago

    Wall leaning… I feel you! 😉

    Ok for me, what REALLY gets me…Smile lines! I love a man with smile lines!

    Alot of people think that means I like older men (sometimes true) but I find smile lines on a younger man super attractive. It makes me feel they are nice and enjoying life.

  2. aprill 15 years ago

    Lady Smaggle,
    I do love a man who is handy. If he’s in his tradie blues, or khakis, and workboots I do go just a little bit like jelly. My husband is a computer nerd so I don’t know how that happened.

  3. kate 15 years ago

    Ohh i was just thinking about this. Sleeve tattoos, actually any tattoos, shaved head and facial hair, not beardy facial hair, but a few days growth, hotness!!

  4. Fashion Hayley 15 years ago

    I like lanky skinny arty boys with crazy zany fashion sense. My husbands lankyness is at threat at the moment due to his love of all things meat pie at the moment, even though he is a vegetarian…well was!

  5. Cammila 15 years ago

    Oh my lord but do I love genius, nerdy boys. My lovelife has been a series of scientists. Arty boys talk a good game, but what really gets me going are really cerebral men, whose heads work in math and programming languages and physics and engineering — where the big part of their brain is an impossibly complex orchestra of understanding, all with no words.

  6. Grant 15 years ago

    Uhhhh- I like girls who are polite and well mannered? Who…

    OK, I can’t even pretend. But I am basically a girl, so I am going to answer anyway.

    Stubble: I can’t grow a bread for the life of me, so I go nuts for a short scruffy beard or a nice Five O’Clock shadow.

    Boxy-ness: I don’t like them long and lean at all, I like them short and boxy. Or tall and boxy. Basically any human sort of prisim really – I like a guy who is broad and chunky- muscled or slightly paunchy, I don’t mind.

    Broken noses: Weird fact – 90% of my exes have had a broken nose before I started dating them, most of them had healed badly as well.


  7. Natalie 15 years ago

    I hear you on the business shirt tuck thingy. My husband has the tightest little bum in business trousers. I always tell him that it stopped growing when he was about 12 years old, and the rest just kept getting taller!

    A few days’ facial growth is also very nice. And I’m partial to chest hair – none of that waxed chest look. Just a good amount to run your fingers through…grrr!

    My teenage crush was Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy in Pride and Predjudice. I think it was his curly hair, lambchop sideburns and bad attitude. Yum.

  8. Gem 15 years ago

    I definitely agree with the dark, intense eyes thing. My boyfriend has those… yummy smouldery sexy eyes. mmm.
    I’m partial to men who have lean bodies, long limbs, and chest hair. Older men (not like GRANDPA old, but between 5 and 10 years older than me) with a little bit of grey in their hair and eyes that crinkle when they smile are gorgeous. (boyfriend has all these too, lucky me!)

  9. Gem 15 years ago

    by the way… “Poonani Tingler” = best phrase EVER.

  10. Sal 15 years ago

    Definitely a broad, toned chest. I’m a sucker for abs.

    And, weirdly, practically every man I’m drawn to – real life and celebs – has a prominent nose and smallish eyes. Sounds like a bad combo, no? But think Christian Bale, Tim Roth, even Alan Rickman before he got wrinkledy.

  11. MissLadyFinger 15 years ago

    “Poonani Tingler”?! Aah ha ha ha! Seriously, you should be arrested! So gross, but so funny!
    I go weak for striking, slim men of Maori/Pacific Island decent, preferably tattoo’d, with kind brown eyes. Pretty much the darker the better.
    Thank god my partner is Cook Island, traditionally tattoo’d, and has cheekbones that belong on a catwalk. Yes, I’m serious!
    Hmmmm, I also like nice hands, good dress sense and non hairy chests. x

  12. Miss A 15 years ago

    oh where to start… somewhere between a sleek set of aviators and the fact that they are hiding those melty intense eyes? Arms – toned, tanned arms with bonus bad body points for a tattoo. Backs – see arms. Has the ability to pull off both a suit and speedos – bliss!!

    … the slouch against the wall thing? dont even get me started!!

  13. Na 15 years ago

    You know. Tall, dark and scruffy. Lean. Preferably with green eyes. And I am a sucker for a man in a suit, a man in a long winter coat, a man in a light-blue business shirt with the sleeves rolled up so I can see his sinewy forearms… yum.

  14. fats 15 years ago

    Older men..with a bit of rough…..casual but sexy….it’s all in the eyes for me….and a damn fine aftershave that attracts you like a moth to a……..lightbulb??

  15. The Mumma 15 years ago

    Lean, intelligent, passionate and a bit geeky with a hint of bad-boyishness but would still be totally respectful to my mother.

    And I married him. 😀

    In celebrity terms, I guess it would be David Tennant.

  16. bec 15 years ago

    mmm hair thats long and scruffy (when i say long, i dont mean 90s man bob, just long enough to twist my fingers into). Stubble is a must, as is a long, lanky body with a little bit of body definition. Wont be the first to say it but the guy who plays Edward Cullen in Twilight is pretty darn perfect. needs more stubble tho…

  17. Kerrin 15 years ago

    You girls are all hilarious!! I don’t what my “type” is, but I have to agree that Mr Darcy is divine (especially in his wet britches) – and there is something about Alan Rickman (10 years ago). Maybe it is the aloof English thing?

  18. Shannon 15 years ago

    I go crazy for British accents. It’s so passe, but I do.

    I’m partial to floppy hair (but I prefer romeo and juliet leo), girlish hips, defined shoulders and a well cut vintage suit or some kind of dirty uniform (think mechanic, army, etc.).

    Extra points for model cheek bones. Must have stubble. Ideal specimens include Jason Stratham and Christian Bale.

  19. MizzJ 15 years ago

    Ooh what a great question! Hahaha when I saw your phrase punani tingler I nearly spit out my tea! Ok here goes with my manly turn ons:

    Slightly curly hair: there’s something about curly, wavy hair that just makes me want to grab it with my fingers, rawr.
    Blue eyes and blond hair: so typical I know
    Lean, athletic body: I tend to like leaner men, no big buffs please, although some muscles in the arms and abs are a huge turn on
    A great smile and warm eyes: don’t we all love those?

  20. Kirsty 15 years ago

    This made me giggle! I hear you about the floppy 90’s hair. We’re allowed to appreciate the one good thing about that decade I think!
    Now, Poonani tinglers… what a great way of saying, in my case, a good full beard (once you go beard, you never go back, after all), and nice big shoulders. Some women like the ass – I’m all about the shoulders.

  21. Lita 15 years ago

    ooh, i only got the Leo thing when i saw him in Departed. big and strong looking, but not too obvious. that did create, ahem, tingles.

  22. Eliza 14 years ago

    Sinewy forearms, tall & lanky, Roman nose, sideburns, slightly artsy, dark hair & eyes…oooh hellooooooo. Tight flat stomach, but not too six-pack-ey.

    Sean Penn, Bruce Springsteen, David Tennant (dr.Who) etc.etc.

  23. Patrick 13 years ago

    See the article very interesting. Moment will come back more, 😉 Thanks for Information.

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