Be your best self.

Lady’s loves and loathes…

Lady’s loves and loathes…
Carly Jacobs


Etsy print

Lady Loves…

* Getting an impromptu sleep in this morning! Classes were cancelled and no one called me early for work. I’m still in my pyjamas. State. Of. Bliss.

* Detoxing. Living between two cities means lots of celebratory drinks upon my arrival and return to each destination. Meaning that my diet for the past month has been cheese, crackers, wine and kebabs. It’s all vegies and fruit for five days people!

* T2 peppermint tea. 

* Chatting to Mr Smaggle on Skype. 

* Mud masks. 

* Getting some much needed Lady time.

* Meeting my best friend’s best friend on Saturday night. We clicked instantly and got very messy together. 

* The new airport show ‘Airways’. It’s set in Tiger terminals through out Australia. It’s like someone took the thing that I loathe the most (Tiger Air) and made a whole show that just bags the shit out of it. Excellent. 

* Buying myself flowers. 

* Having my wife come to visit me. 

* Doing a detox that requires ‘gentle exercise’. Hell yes. I’m all over yoga tonight. 

Lady Loathes…

* Spending too much money. 

* People offering me work and then taking it back. 

* People who shop slowly. It’s not the last thing you’re going to buy! Make a decision and get the hell out of there. 

* Again, never being warm enough. 

* School being slow. I moved specifically for the course and when they cancel classes or water down the subjects it really annoys me. 

* Detoxing. It’s hideously boring. 

* Currently not having any vices. I gave them all up! I feel so ordinary…

* Spending $6 on possibly the shite-est DVD EVER! Called Wild Child. It stars Emma Roberts, the no-talent niece of Julia. That should have set off alarm bells. 


What about you poppet pie? What’s tickling your pickle? Or making you all frowny?

Love Lady Smaggle



  1. amanda 15 years ago

    hahaha i loved wild child, i thought it was good fun! & it probably helps that i ADORE juno temple (dizzy) & found both alex pettyfer & emma roberts highly attractive, so.

    it was infinitely better than angus thongs & perfect snogging though. i hated that.

  2. Grant 15 years ago

    Sadly, I really wanted to see that movie Wild Child. Something tells me I lucked out by never watching it…

    American GQ – best male fashion magazine on the market hands down
    Almost being finished with my current rotation at work
    My new electric blanket – whenever I hop into bed I grin like an idiot
    Having an excuse to invest in a Tux
    The fact that ‘The September Issue’ comes out soon…

    Feeling uncertain about my choice to go and do Fashion at CIT
    The fact that I haven’t been to the gym in like, three weeks
    iPhones and the people who seem to think that they are the pinnacle of civilisation. Has anyone else noticed that they’re the new ‘couple’ thing to harp on about? Maybe I’m just bitter and single, but if being involved with someone means I’m going to turn into a blithering idiot that spends 90% of my time glued to a glorified gameboy and drooling like a commoner – I’m happy I’m alone!

  3. Na 15 years ago

    – Death Cab for Cutie’s album “Plans”. I am seriously late in getting into them, but they are awesome.
    – jamming with my boy. It is the best thing EVER that he can play the guitar
    – getting paid to read books that I can have flashes of insight about and use to my advantage in my academic career
    – our new housemate making Monster cupcakes the other day – green icing and angry faces – so cute!
    – doing the Thriller dance backstage at the play

    – getting covered in body paint and hair gel every night for the play and then having to take it off every night, and what doing that every night is doing to my skin and hair. blerk

  4. Anna Laura 15 years ago

    I have to say I didn’t much mind Wild Child. It has Florence and the Machine on it, way way before JJJ was playing them, and I’ve seen far far worse teen flicks. (Hillary Duff I am looking in your direction). Although watching Natasha Richardson was rather sad.

  5. Azz 15 years ago


    My first proper Holiday in years. America. Americans. The surprise of seeing some of my favouritest movie ever in 3D. Absinth, Hurricanes and Sasseracks. Buying lots and lots of books.


    The amount of work I’m about to step back into and American food (fuckeing hell -come on! Not everything has to be massive and deepfried)

  6. Cammila 15 years ago

    This image really makes me smile. It’s so warm and loving and exuberant.

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