Be your best self.

Lady’s Loves and Loathes…

Lady’s Loves and Loathes…
Carly Jacobs



* The above postsecret. How spectacular! It totally made my day.

* Pearly pink, short and clean, ballerina-like nails. 

* Morrocan Soup Bar – The best takeaway in Melbourne EVER. You have to take your own containers but they fill them up with couscous, rice, vegetables and chickpea bake. Funnily enough they don’t seem to serve soup…

* Melissa clogs. I need sensible covered shoes to wear in the workshop and I just can’t bring myself to wear steel caps or crocs. I think these shoes shall be my next important purchase… yes they shall. 

* My decision to join a gym despite the fact that it really is a luxury expense. I need my spin classes. So sue me. 

* Girls who dress in a million shades of grey. 

* My GPS. Seriously, it’s the best thing that’s happened to me since I moved to Melbourne. 

* That seductive skyline of the CBD I can see outside my apartment. When Melbourne’s giving me a good kick in the teeth I just go out on the balcony and I immediately feel better. 

* My course. I’m not great at saw piercing (cutting metal with a VERY fine blade. I get too excited and snap around 10 blades a day) but I LOVE drilling (makes me feel like a man) and melting shit with this big mofo of a flame. I’m also rather fond of the guillotine. 

* The lovely receptionist at the school I went to today who said that we should be best friends because we both have curly hair. What an adorable cause of friendship!


* The heat. We’ve been up in the thirties for DAYS now. I just want to wear a freakin cardigan. Is that too much to ask?

* People who beep at me when I don’t drive off a nano second after the light has turned green. Also people who beep at me WHILE TALKING ON THEIR MOBILE PHONE AND DRIVING!!! Yes I’m talking about you Bleach Blonde Nicotine Addicted Hag. 

* The word ‘panties’. And when people figure this out and keep repeating it to me.

* The fact that Carrie left Aiden for Big. Aiden is divine and Big is a dick. I don’t care how many people scream ‘soulmate’ at me I think she made a ‘Big’ mistake. I get that this is like, so five minutes ago, but I’ve been watching the boxed set (as one does when one is broke and unemployed) and it just stirred up all that anger again. Grrrr!

* My inability to stay focused for longer than 20 minutes. Melbourne is doing my head in a little. 

Love Lady Smaggle

P.S A few readers have asked what has happened to Mr Smaggle. Despite the distance between us we are still very happily together and still the disgustingly blissful couple that we always were. I’ll send him your best! xxx





  1. Jessica 15 years ago

    I believe that the side someone picks in the Aidan vs. Big debate tells a lot about that person. I’m not entirely sure just *what* it tells, but at this stage, I have learned that it means you and I are coming from the same place, and what seems like the ENTIRE WORLD is somewhere different.

  2. Curly hair rocks 15 years ago

    Aidan-Big still upsets me too. Problem with Carrie, (or perhaps SJP) is that she seems to have no genuine connection with anybody on that show. There was no reason she should have got with the Russian! So frankly, Aidan always seemed more into it than she did, and deserves to be with someone else (me?).

  3. lulu c. 15 years ago

    I couldn’t think of anything more appropriate than making my first comment on your blog than to make the first comment on this post.

    I too live in Melbourne, but am currently away as I don’t start uni until March, am not looking forward to going back to the crazy weather and arrogant drivers.

    good luck with your course and the clogs.

    pip pip!

    ps, i also thought Aiden was far better for her, but I guess Big and Carrie finally being together really tied up all the loose ends of the show and made for a (unrealistic) happy ending.

  4. fats 15 years ago

    love the postsecret’s so sexy. And i totally agree with the whole ‘panties’ thing….prefer’ knickers ‘…
    If u want cooler weather,come to the UK….it’s just sucky cold..i’d give up chocolate for a year just to wear my summer clothes..
    Have fun in school otherwise!

  5. Sal 15 years ago

    Oooh, can’t wait to see the Melissa clogs in action! I’ve been eyeing them myself and I’m so not a clog girl …

  6. Josephine 15 years ago

    that postsecret totally made my day too. it’s the most adorable thing i’ve ever seen.

  7. Natasja 15 years ago

    Melbourne is FUN! It does take a while to settle down & settle in around here though, don’t worry & don’t give up – you will get there!!!
    I love the place now after moving from Tiny Wellington NZ to big-ass Melbournia, 2 years ago. If u need anyone to show you around a bit (but I get lost sometimes too) then just ‘holla’, haha.

    Jurassic 5
    This book I’m reading (third book in a week) about a female Buddhist nun from Australia… so great.
    My friends
    Our not-so-new-now flat with a kinda-view of our Suburb, the sunset always looks wicked & the red sunshine comes in thru the blinds in our lounge room
    Frankie magazine
    Boost juices
    Kumara (Sweet Potato)

    Blake having cancer
    The ant invasion in my home that refuses to give up
    Having a deathly cold/chest infection (but I do get the day off work!)

  8. munchbox 15 years ago

    Pretty sure Aidan left her

  9. Marianne 15 years ago

    Yeah, Morroccan (I’ve no idea how the spell it) Soup Bar is the best! It’s 2 minutes away from me, too, so you’ll probably end up seeing me staggering about in there with as many tupperware boxes as I could get my hands on

  10. Nadist 15 years ago

    Which series is Aidan in? (Don’t hate me for not knowing!)

  11. Gervy 15 years ago

    Very relieved to hear that Mr Smaggle has not been terminated, he seemed pretty perfect.

    I came around to Big in the end, but I was pretty distressed too when Carrie left Aiden. But hey, Aiden got over it and had another baby with someone else so maybe you can stop worrying about him now?

    Why is Melbourne giving you a kick in the teeth? That is most unlike her.

  12. Katie 15 years ago

    i totally agree about aiden/big! big always was a dick.

  13. ohphilippa 15 years ago

    oh my god! i hate the word panties too, it’s so incredibly seedy! and i HATED carrie when she left aiden – i never watched the show when it was on, but my housemate has the entire series so my boyfriend and i have been watching it at night. and the episode where she cheats on him we both turned to each other and said ‘i hate her’! and when aiden broke up with her… um… i cried (:D

    and i also have curly hair…

  14. Miss A 15 years ago

    eww …panties!! i find ‘moist’ makes me feel nauseous in the same way 🙁 other things to loathe include having worked all weekend, the last minute cancel of tonights date and the incredible radar that the unrequited love of my life has for even the smallest amount of attention from another male. But on the other hand i love having a work from home day where all i have done is lazed around watching bad tv, gone shopping for pretty things and given myself a manicure 🙂

  15. tahda 15 years ago

    ew…I hate both of those words! panties and the m word. I sometimes hate being in lingerie shops for that very reason. example “would you like to see the panties that go with that bra” – um, thanks – I’ll handle the knickers myself!

    RE: Aidan. Not to get too analytical but I think the Aidan character was just ready to be happily married and start a fam. He was lovely but Carrie wasn’t in that place at that time. Timing is everything. No one should settle for something they are not totally passionate about. I have to say I totally got her decision. It’s so funny to talk about those characters as if they are really people but then, real people did write it. 🙂

  16. WendyB 15 years ago

    Am I seeing things or is the naked lady really wearing…socks????

  17. Natasja 15 years ago

    i see the socks too! haha…

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