Be your best self.

Lady’s loves and loathes…

Lady’s loves and loathes…
Carly Jacobs



Lady loves…

* Writing blog posts in a blank work email template so that when someone walks past it looks like I’m very busy and important. In my first year as a teacher I had a decoy handbag and a cardigan at work that I would leave over the back of my chair so no one would know that I left work after my last class and they would assume I was photocopying or  curing cancer or something. I got away with that one for a full year. It was awesome.

* The Green Smoothie Challenge. Browny got me onto it. Basically you have to have two green smoothies a day and it literally fills your body with vitamins and sunshine. It has also TOTALLY stopped my cravings for sweet food. Mr Squiggle (Mr Smaggle’s brother) had Jaffas last night and I ate four… and stopped. It was mental. I usually eat so many that my gums start to itch.

* Cooking Browny dinner and introducing her to the Wii Fit. We are going to exercise like addicts tonight. Well… that’s the plan anyway.

* Making jewels for the Smaggle Packs that I’m giving away to three commenters on my Ask Lady Smaggle post. I’ve been working with metal all of last year and it’s lovely to break out the beads again…

* My day to a page Moleskine diary where I write down to do lists, thoughts for the day, recipes… I love it. I have filled the full page everyday since the 1st January and by default every entry is dated. Highly recommended.

* Cold soy lattes with ice.

* Being given a sewing machine from a very special lady. Can’t wait to get all seamtress on you guys.

Lady loathes…

* My flawlessly healthy diet losing the plot everyday after 5pm. It’s all crackers, dip, wine and takeaway food from then on. Disaster.

* Mr Squiggle pointing out that I self narrate. To make me more aware of this, everytime I self narrate he adds to it. Lady Smaggle – ‘I’m going to have a shower and then cook dinner!‘ Mr Squiggle – ‘Lady chirped happily as she ran downstairs to the bathroom‘.

* The weather. Summer. Sucks. Balls.

* Not being able to sleep because… Summer. Sucks. Balls. It’s like being incased in lava sleeping next to Mr Smaggle. His body temperature is totally whack.

* Getting a fabulous recipe from my friend only to lose it 5 seconds after I left the house.

* Having to use the toilet immediately after my boss. It’s not that she’s gross or anything it’s just really awkward.

What about you angel face? Anything to share?

Love Lady Smaggle

p.s Don’t forget if you want to ask me something now is the time to do it!


  1. Jordan Best 14 years ago

    1 cup puffed rice or rolled oats
    ½ cup sesame seeds
    ½ cup toasted shredded or flaked coconut
    ½ cup toasted hazelnuts
    ½ cup dried apricots, diced
    ½ cup dried figs or and dates, diced
    ½ cup almond, slithered and lightly roasted
    ½ cup pepitas, toasted
    3/4 cup honey
    3/4 cup tahini (optional)
    1/3 – 1/2 cup LSA (ground linseed, sunflower seed, almonds)
    warm ingredients in oven, mix together, smoosh into baking tray and fridge it. You can top it with dark choc if you want.
    Don’t know if this is the recipe you lost, but here it is, and here it is for everyone else too. XXX

  2. Kitty 14 years ago

    That sounds like the most awesome recipe! So good for your tum! I am going to make it this weekend!

    Miss Kitty likes: planning holidays and spending time with Max the Cat.

    Miss Kitty loathes: being at work until the holiday happens! Hurry up already!

  3. dr stumpy 14 years ago

    dr stumpy loves – her yoga intensive: 3 hours yoga a day for 5 days. so bendy
    dr stumpy loathes – her birthday being 39.1C – it was too hot to enjoy things. want another birthday

  4. Kate 14 years ago

    hahahahaha! Decoy bag and cardi! My boss has a decoy jacket on his chair and decoy glasses that sit on his desk!
    Gotta get me some of that action!

  5. Grant 14 years ago

    Grant’s Loves:
    – The giddy feeling of knowing I’m getting new ink in less than a month
    – Getting back into going to the gym daily, it hurts so good
    – Getting my Squiz Cards which I won, thanks to Lady Smaggle.

    Grant’s Loathes:
    – Opening a packet of crisps to discover it’s 50% air
    – Having a wedding venue decide that actually, no, they won’t be open on the date already agreed upon
    – Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles being CANCELLED! Fuckers!


  6. Natasja 14 years ago

    @ Jordan Best , thankyou for sharing 😛 BUT… what is the recipe called!?
    Ms Smaggle I think it’s adorable that Mr Squiggle (wait, who is he?!) adds to your self-narration, I self-narrate also (especially when excited/happy) & then get paranoid that other people think I am odd.

  7. Erin 14 years ago

    Why is it that boys are always about 8 million degrees warmer? It’s nice in the winter, but if the temperature is above freezing… It’s like “I love you but please don’t touch me or be anywhere next to me.”

    -waking up with the “I have curly hair but I went to bed with it damp and now I have this knotted swirled frizz mess on my head” thing going on and my boyfriend says “Good morning beautiful girl” (without sarcasm)

    -having a string of days at work doing basically nothing… I’d rather be ridiculously busy than to pretend I’m working…

  8. Jordan Best 14 years ago


    healthy nut bar.
    or just call it delicious.

  9. Lady Smaggle 14 years ago

    Jordan – I love you.

    Kitty – I’m going to make it for Mr Smaggle

    Dr Stumpy – Happy birthday babe! Yeah what shyte day for a birthday.

    Grant – Oh so glad you like them! Would love to see pics of what you ordered!

    Natasja – Don’t encourage him! He’s so smug since you said that!

    Erin – Oh bless! x

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