Be your best self.

Lady’s loves and loathes…

Lady’s loves and loathes…
Carly Jacobs



Lady loves…

* That I’m going home in one week for the summer. ‘Home’ being Canberra. I’m seriously jack of Melbourne this week. Then when Canberra starts pissing me off Melbourne will be home. I delight in being fickle. It’s one of my many charms.

* My juicer. It ANNIHILATES fruit and vegetables. Right now I’m drinking carrot, celery, apple and ginger juice. Hear that cheering? That’s my body celebrating. 

* Cleaning out my cupboards. Obviously not the act of doing it but waking up in the morning and diving into ironed racks of clean dresses and neat stacks of colour coded tops… sigh! 

* Planning a Saturday night celebration with my Melbourne family. That’s Roomy Smaggle (my house mate), Co-Dependent Smaggle (my wife) and Oadie (our collective faux boyfriend and the token salami of our family). Can’t. Freaking. Wait. 

* Getting back to the gym. I’ve been in the Berra for a week and although I’m fond of the Wii Fit there is nothing like a crazy pump class to get me feeling tops. 

* Regretsy


Lady loathes…

* Being asked this question – ‘Is there a reason in particular that you don’t want to be paid in cheques?’. Yes, because it’s not 1985. Heard of internet banking? It should be illegal to pay people in cheques. It’s like being paid in foreign currency. 

* That 90% of people that I came into contact with today told me they have diarrhoea. Excellent. I look forward to the next few days. 

* Trying to go dairy free. I have been having HORRENDOUS women’s monthlies recently and I read that going dairy free can really help with cramps so I thought I’d give it a go. The problem is that I’m so freaking stupid that I keep forgetting and eating really dumb arse things. I’ve got the soy latte down pat but then I go and eat a bowl of yogurt. Honestly. I haven’t gone one day with out dairy since I went dairy free a week ago. It’s not like I keep ‘giving in’ to dairy I just go blank when I eat cheese and then later I’m all ‘Oh… cheese is dairy. Shit. Did it again.’

* Wanting to go out for dinner and a glass of wine and not having anyone to go with! Everyone is sick or busy. Bloody Melbourne. Grumble, grumble. 

* People over-sharing on Facebook. In particular, medically. Shudder. We know I don’t censor things here at Smaggle and when I’m suffering an affliction (such as menstrual cramps) I will mention it, but I draw the line when it comes to medical details. 

What about you angels? Anything to share?

Love Lady Smaggle


P.S SO SORRY to my Squiz card winners! Your emails will be coming next week I promise. The Squizies are on it!


  1. LaLa 14 years ago

    Obviously you have the same issue with the word dairy that I have with the name Brian…. diary and brain… 😉

  2. Na 14 years ago

    -turkey. myam myam myam Thanksgiving!
    -pecan pie. see above.
    -Black Friday sales in America meaning I can gets me some bargains!

    -internet banking is down so I have NO IDEA how much money I have in my main account and no way of transferring money from my savings, so it’s entirely possible that I will get to the mall and be unable to buy anything.

  3. Illy 14 years ago

    What kind of juicer do you have? I am trying to find a good one that doesnt kill my bank account.

  4. Dr Stumpy 14 years ago

    Iron tablets my friend – for the cramps. (Or primary dysmenorrhea is we say in the biz.)

    Turned me from an ouchie, sad, fetal position lying mess two days a month to the frolicking, carefree advertisement chicky you see today.

    Either that or live with molla who cooks meat all the time.

  5. The Mumma 14 years ago

    Can I plug the Diva Cup again?
    Oh look at that, I just did. Seriously, it obliterated my cramps.

  6. miss kitt 14 years ago

    Your dairy free attempt cracks me up! I’ve done the same with chocolate – you would think it wouldn’t be too hard to remember not to eat chocolate, but whenever I’m in eyeshot of chocolate I go blank.

    I’m keen to know which juicer you have and do you recommend it?

    (long time reader, first time commenter – I love reading your adventures x)

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