Be your best self.

Lady’s loves and loathes…

Lady’s loves and loathes…
Carly Jacobs



Lady loves…

* Dates with Mamma Smaggle.

* Cruising around the city driving Mr Smaggle’s convertible. Although, bizarrely, I find it really difficult to drive an automatic. My foot keeps searching for the clutch. 

* Soy yogurt. 

* Curb Your Enthusiasm. Best. Show. Ever.  

* My first ever list being on The Secret Society of List Addicts. It’s a list of things that should be awesome but actually aren’t. Please add to it! 

* My Vera Wang DIY being featured on page 32 of the December Australian Cleo magazine. Do buy it and laugh at my giant foot and tiny midget hands. Also it comes with a free One Teaspoon watch! What have you got to lose?

* Working on a new plan for Smaggle… stay tuned! 


Lady loathes…

* SEINFELD REUNION – Curb Your Enthusiasm. Screw you Channel 9! Season 7 of Curb Your Enthusiasm is NOT a Seinfeld reunion show. Stop showing random episodes of the season that happen to have Jerry Seinfeld in them. People who haven’t seen the past 7 seasons don’t understand what the frick is going on and people who HAVE seen the past 7 seasons hate you. Hate to burst your little corporate bubble but there is not actually going to be a Seinfeld reunion. The show is just about them making one. We will never see it! Mwah ha ha ha ha ha! 

* Stifling hot weather. I literally cannot think. 

* Sixteen year old shop assistants that call me ‘babe’. I will hurt you. 


What about you love? Anything to share?

Love Lady Smaggle



  1. piglet 14 years ago

    Oooh that list blog looks fun!
    And congrats on being featured in Cleo, exciting!

  2. Aprill 14 years ago

    I saw you at the Handmade Market today! I wanted to shout hello but I was too far away. I was arriving as you were leaving with a slushy. They were nice, by the way. I had rose and lime flavour.

  3. LaLa 14 years ago

    LaLa loves:

    Meeting you at Handmade Market (was helping the lovely Eva sell her love jewels)
    Buying stuff

    The heat at the markets
    Having only had 3.5 hours after Britney before driving back for the markets.. *snore*

  4. Nico 14 years ago

    I was at a friend’s birthday party last night and in the midst of everything I pointed dramatically at a woman from half-way across a room and said, “You! You look like Lady Smaggle!”.

    She looked mildly terrified and exclaimed, “Is that a good thing? Oh my god!”

    My response? “Oh honey, you have no idea. Yes.”

  5. Lady Smaggle 14 years ago

    Piglet – Thanks! It was a total surprise as well!

    April – So annoying! I got recognised like a mofo that day. Next time love. The market was great! Loved it! Oh and please comment on today’s post!

    Lala – Oh my god! You’re Lala? You comment all the time! So cool! ARgh! It was lovely to meet you both. Thanks so much for calling me over! How did the selling go? Oh and would you mind commenting on today’s post? Would love the input of a regular reader!

    Nico – Holy shit. That totally made my day! xxx

    Grant – Oh me too! I loved it! So joining a league in Melbourne. I would kick butt at Roller Derby. Try buying a juicer. SO MUCH ENERGY IT’S STUPID! Loving it.

  6. Grant 14 years ago

    Grant’s Loves:
    Seeing Mr. and Lady Smaggle at Roller Derby. What did you think of it?
    The excitment of only having two weeks of my current job left.
    Thanksgiving being this coming Thursday! TURKEY!!!

    Grant’s Loathes:
    Missing out on the Britney concert.
    The area I am currently working for getting more and more intense the closer I get to actually leaving the place.
    Being so freaking tired all the time. I either need a multivitamin or to start every day with a maxi-can of V…


  7. WendyB 14 years ago

    That illustration made me laugh out loud.

  8. Na 14 years ago

    -new new new new COWBOY BOOTS (which I think may be the refrain to a new song I’m writing, called ‘I ain’t a cowgirl but I got some boots’)
    -vintage stores in Austin. They kick arse

    -being away from my honey
    -movies that are edited for television. Last night The Departed was on and they kept dubbing in ‘freak’ and ‘fool’ for that other f word in Mark Wahlberg’s diatribes, and it just didn’t work. Luckily I have it on my computer so I watched the real thing instead.
    -massive computer headaches. Damned research!

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