Be your best self.

Lady’s Daily Discoveries…

Lady’s Daily Discoveries…
Carly Jacobs


Here’s a few things I’ve learnt over the past few days…

* It is impossible to dry clothes without a dryer in Melbourne in winter.

* If a child is screaming and crying and saying they have broken their ankle, if you ask them to tell you about their favourite TV show, nine times out of ten the ankle will miraculously heal itself while they babble away about Dragon Ball Z. 

* Sweet potato is awesome. 

* Natalie Bassingwiathe is EVERYWHERE. 

* It just occurred to me (via a friend’s Facebook status) that The Beatles spell it that way because music has a beat. Beatles. I’ve never felt so stupid. 

* It is entirely possible to drink too much mineral water. 

* Along with the usual yellow, white and rose gold there are heaps of others including purple. 

* Mr Smaggle just purchased an air humidifier for his bedroom. Sexy. 

What about you my little chickens? Anything interesting to share?

Love Lady Smaggle




  1. Enny 15 years ago

    I had to read that like three times to realise how beetles is normally spelt – so, chin up!!!

  2. Sequin Cat 15 years ago

    If you want to pick up a (sleazy) man in Paris just sit on a bench by yourself…


  3. Sal 15 years ago

    I’ve been a Beatles fan for decades and only realized this year about the spelling. 😉

  4. fat mum slim 15 years ago

    Oh. My. God.

    I’m so dumb. I didn’t even think about it. Didn’t notice the spelling difference.

    Ok. Shall go hide now.


  5. Josephine 15 years ago

    purple gold?! wow, i would love to see that! i’ve recently discovered there is such a thing as black gold, which i’m totally loving – going to have a wedding band in it 😉

  6. Miss A 15 years ago

    OMG I never realised this also!! How strange… sweet potato IS awesome and i want purple gold too!! Natalie Bassingwiathe woke me up this morning…

  7. Azz 15 years ago

    I had no idea about the Beatles either – so you’re not stupid at all.

  8. WendyB 15 years ago

    I have Beatles on the brain today too.

  9. E 15 years ago

    Glitterbug massage bar from Lush “has a beautiful scent of rose and neroli, which is made from the tiny flowers of a citrus tree, with a hint of sweet vanilla. It has shiny sparkles, pale bluish mauve fairy dust, with moisturising cocoa butter and shea butter to keep your skin smooth, soft and flexible”. Beyond words – makes me happy.

    Green tiger tomatoes
    I can eat them by the punnet and yes, I’ll be saving some seed to try and grow them myself 🙂

  10. fats 15 years ago

    i’m finally growing my own veggies in the back garden…yay for self-sufficiency(well,almost)!!!!..sweet potato rocks!!! it.

  11. deepikaur 15 years ago

    Hahaha, I had to think extremely hard before I figured out what you meant, in regard to The Beatles. Very nice. 🙂

  12. pam power 15 years ago

    i love rose gold and i’ve always wanted an air humidifier. incredible! xox

  13. Grant 15 years ago

    Grant’s recent discoveries:

    *Posterpaint will work as face paint
    *My voice is louder than I realise
    *I own far too much marle grey clothing
    *Posterpaint hurts when it gets in your eye

  14. Uselesslines 15 years ago

    There’s such a thing as too much grey marle clothing? I refuse to believe this!
    And Miss Smaggle, for someone who has such a great command of words that ‘Beatles/Beetles’ one really got you, eh? 🙂

  15. I agree with the clothes drying thing. I had to try my school skirt with my hair dryer this morning. It was awkward explaining to my teacher why i was late for my S.A.C.

    I learnt that there are people stupid enough to think breaking a toe can kill you. 🙁


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