Be your best self.

Lady loves and loathes…

Lady loves and loathes…
Carly Jacobs

dreamh ome

Etsy print

Lady loves…

* Crisp, sunny Canberra mornings… that stay that way all day. Unlike the Melbourne ones. 

* Returning home from my month in Canberra to find a welcome home note and a pile of lollies on my bed from Roomy Smaggle. Bless face. 

* Naturally Sadie. I’m seriously addicted. I actually shushed Mr Smaggle during this show. I never shush people for T.V.

* My delightful weekend plans including high tea, several parties and lots of hand holding with the mister. 

* Cute Melbourne girls and their scarves and boots. And being all gorgeous on bikes. They are truly unique down here. 

* My apartment and all the jolly visitors we receive. 

* Being ALMOST certain that I have my shit together. 

* Being featured in my first classroom note at a school that I taught at. I didn’t quite see it before the kid ripped it up but I THINK it was a picture of me being done from behind. Golden. 

* That this year is half over… and also that there is still another half to go. 


Lady loathes…

* Winter. Can. Not. Feel. My. Fingers. I’m also fairly certain that I lost the tip of my nose to hypothermia this afternoon watching a film shoot in a canal. Why shoot a film in a canal? Why?

* Bad TV reception. 

* The stupid kid that I was sharing a lane with at the pool yesterday. Absolutely no concept of the ‘circle’ motion of swimming. He just swam where ever the hell he liked, most often making a Jaws like beeline for me and then giving me underwater greasies for getting in his way. Dude. Sense the correct flow of movement here and adapt. 

* My internet. It’s like a petulant teenager, only working how and when it pleases. 

* Calories in wine. I just think it’s cruel. 

What about you chicken? What’s ticklin’ your pickle this week?

Love Lady Smaggle



  1. fat mum slim 15 years ago

    Oh my goodness! I love that the note had a sexual picture of you. What a little confident boost.

    I am loving school holidays with four children. I am also loathing not ever having any peace and quiet. My brain aches! x

  2. Magatha May 15 years ago

    I love lollies too.

    Love your blog too.

  3. Sal 15 years ago

    Seriously. Beverages shouldn’t be allowed to have calories.

  4. Kerrin 15 years ago

    I love reading smaggle at lunch on a friday, when I only have 3 hours until happy hour!

  5. Grant 15 years ago

    *Re-discovering my Placebo CDs – Hilarious angsty gold!
    *Latest Harry Potter film – Did I tell you I’m going to marry him? Oh, well I am
    *Tickets to Melbourne booked for next month
    *The freezing Canberra cold

    *Public Servants – I mean honestly, I am one, and it kills me
    *Dendy Cinema’s ‘Large’ popcorn – the microwaveable ones from Coles are bigger
    *New anime being released in Japan I won’t be able to watch for a year or so 🙁
    *The natural urge to sleep in and gorge in winter – so much for my gym work :”(


  6. Lita 15 years ago

    ^^ Placebo played at a venue I work at the other day! Apparently Skunk Anansie’s reformed. All excellent news.

  7. Miss Addict 15 years ago

    I second your Loathing of winter. My toes are constantly cold and my nose is Rudolf red all the time! Not Cool!

    Getting into bed at night to cuddle my BF. Planning new things! Tax Returns

  8. fats 15 years ago

    love the etsy pic-it’s so cute!! And ABSOLUTELY enjoying the peace and quiet in my street now that schools are on holiday for 7 weeks!…Thank YOU!!!!!

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