Be your best self.

Lady Loves and Loathes

Lady Loves and Loathes
Carly Jacobs


Lady Loves

* Potato and leek soup and a glass of red wine on windy Melbourne nights.

* Watching Roomy Smaggle and Oadie (Co-Dependent Smaggle’s housemate) whip eggs with a beater jammed in an electric drill. We were having a pavlova emergency so our boyfriend (Oadie is the collective faux boyfriend of myself, Roomy Smaggle and Co-Dependent Smaggle) compensated by making this hybrid drill/beater. It was hilarious.  

*  The tiny little Indian boy that lives on my block and wears traditional costumes in his little stroller. Long full jackets embroidered with gold thread and fabulous hats. 

* Her gadgets. Ipod, GPS, camera, laptop. My fabulous four. 

* The challenge of having to wear boots everyday. I’m wearing more make-up and head scarves to compensate for lack of pretty shoes. When I have the money I intend to go all Courtney Love in dresses, heavy eyeliner and combat boots. 

* The cooler weather. Wearing cardigans and sleeping under blankets. Bliss. 

* Roomy Smaggle singing and dancing in the kitchen and making my shitty days way more tolerable. 

* Knowing that even though I’m torn as to where I belong (Canberra or Melbourne) it’s nice to know that my Saturday nights are always the same no matter what city I am in. Hanging with people that I adore, drinking wine on a balcony, laughing, planning and scheming.

* Spending a crazy lunch time with my mates coming up with alternate food-themed names for the couples in our friendship group. It was a fabulous waste of time. 


Lady Loathes

* Job hunting. Still. I’m serious. I have two degrees and ridiculous amounts of experience but apparently that’s not enough. 

* Being so far away from Mr Smaggle. He is rather spectacular so it’s a little difficult. 

* People who do mean things to you and then act really surprised when you react. Like you’re the one who is the jerk. Pisses me off.

*  Having no money. And knowing that I won’t for a really long time. It’s not like I need heaps of money or I spend heaps of money, I’m just a control freak and I like to collect it. 

Oh and one more Lady love… that I don’t really have that much to complain about. I’m healthy, happy and surrounded by people who love me. Life isn’t too bad after all…

What’s tickling your fancy or getting your goat this week my lovely? Come on! Share! I feel like I haven’t seen you guys for ages!

Love Lady Smaggle




  1. Lita 15 years ago

    You’re pretty spectacularly attired for a pauper, enjoy the fact that the credit crunch can’t touch you 🙂

  2. E 15 years ago

    Loves : a baroque use of the english language

    Hates : trying to translate something written in pseudo-legal claptrap into make it into p l a i n e n g l i s h

    Time for chocklit


  3. E 15 years ago

    I meant p l a i n e n g l i s h

  4. E 15 years ago

    … p l a i n E N G L I S H

    fuggit 😉

  5. Sal 15 years ago

    Bleh! So sorry to hear that the job hunt continues – I’ll be thinking of you as you pound the pavement.

  6. fats 15 years ago

    What’s getting my goat this week,big time: am i invisible,or is it everytime i’m waiting to collect my daughter from school, that some blind-as-a-bat parent has to stop right in front of me??why?? move the hell out of my way!!!!!!!!!yes you ,friend of the mother,with the big nose!!!….feel so much better now……..anyway,good luck with ur job search,it shall come ur way(hopefully sooner than later!!)

  7. Lovely lacey things 15 years ago

    Hello Lady Smaggle!
    I’m a new reader and I thought I would participate. 🙂
    I love:
    Sunflowers. Vacations. Not being broke.
    I loathe:
    Not being on vacation right this minute. Job hunting (thats right I am a fellow job hunter, Good luck to you!) And when cabinet doors are left open and I smack my head on one, which is what made me bitter today.

  8. super kawaii mama 15 years ago

    Ahh Potato and Leek soup with a good red are often on the menu here too. I sympathise with you on the job hunting front, it can be a bastard. And number your three is also on my list of loathes this week too, but sometimes they make me laugh at the stupidity of it all. On the boot front, (and this may not be helpful if you have zero money but anyway) KMart actually has some very cute suede bootie shoes coming out at the moment for all of about $20. The design is the exact copy of a pair I was recently coveting for closer to $300! I know where I’ll be shopping.

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