Be your best self.

How to motivate yourself when you’re in a health rut…

How to motivate yourself when you’re in a health rut…
Carly Jacobs



You’ve all heard me talk about body image and self confidence in the past and if you’re a regular reader you’ll know that I promote body maintenance above anything when it comes to loving yourself. I’m a Virgo so I like to sit around a lot and think about how perfect I am, so naturally it comes as quite a shock when it’s pointed out to me that in fact, I’m not perfect. Oh my god, it even hurts to write that. I was having a brag to Mr Smaggle the other day about how you can’t fault my diet and he said ‘Yeah except for all the chocolate’. Naturally I was a little affronted. ‘Exsqueeze me? Baking powder? You MUST be referring to your other girlfriend’*. He then pointed out that despite the fact that I eat a protein shake for breakfast, two pieces of fruit, salad-like lunch and healthy dinner it appears that I lose the freaking plot after dinner and consume chocolate as if I am dying. Right. Thanks for this info. This got me thinking that although I do exercise and eat right there was a time in my life that I would rather have eaten wallpaper than gone near calorie-laden chocolate EVER let alone every day. So I thought I would compile a list of health tips to get me back on the right track to health… or get me out of the cocoa fields and steer me back to the straight and narrow. Here’s what I came up with…

Write down everything you eat

Okay I know this sounds like eating disorder territory but trust me it works. Use an online service to figure out how many calories you should be consuming in a day (based on your weight and activity levels) and start adding up what you are eating. Including wine. I mean it. Calorie King is awesome for Australians because it has all our food brands and you can look up something like ‘apples’ without having to scroll through ten thousand kinds of apple pie/treat/snack/candy unlike some other online services in other unnamed countries**. I did this everyday for two years and I could very easily eat exactly what my body needed in a day without calculating it and a few months ago I stopped doing this. I started again this week and it’s amazing that my brain forgot how many calories there are in some kinds of foods. It’s a great little reminder about ‘sometimes’ foods and also about the portions that you should be eating.

Rock out when you work out

Get yourself some awesome songs on your Ipod (personally I’m all about show tunes and Cher) and zone out while you work out. It makes SUCH a difference. I look at people who exercise without music and they look like they are going to cry. So sad.

Mix it up

Don’t just stick to the gym. Get out into the fresh air and go for a run. Even though I hate outdoors (this is true I just really don’t like sun in my face, or bugs or flys, loud cars, windy days – ugh! Outside is SO temperamental) I do love jogging in quiet areas and singing really loudly with my Ipod and pretending that I’m Britney. Seriously try it. Sometimes this actually makes me look forward to exercise.

Dress like Lara Croft or one of Charlie’s Angels

I wear a lot of black when I exercise. Not because it’s flattering but because it’s tough. Would Angelina wear baggy grey tracksuit pants and a Nirvana t-shirt? I don’t think so. It’s all about black Lycra. The tighter the better. And do pretend that your training for the invasion of an ancient Egyptian tomb. Imagine your whole workout as a movie montage. It will make the time fly by. I promise.

Get over it

Obviously there is no way that you can never eat chocolate or bread again. That’s just stupid. All I’m asking is that you own it. If you eat a whole block of chocolate (we’ve all done it!) just deal with it and eat well for the next week. Also exercise hurts. And it’s boring. Deal with it. It’s like 45mins out of your WHOLE DAY and it makes you look and feel amazing. I understand the issues that people have (believe me, I have them too) but just do it. It’s like cleaning the bathroom. Or paying your car insurance. Painful, but necessary.

But also relax…

Honestly it’s SO BORING watching your weight all the time. Be realistic and flexible. Eat well most of the time and track it in your diary but if your man brings you home an ice cream treat for the pair of you to share just enjoy it love! If you’re going to indulge in a cheeky wine night with your ladies savour every mouthful and maybe skip dessert. As one of my students said to me the other day ‘Just kick back Miss. Chillax!’. Indeed.

And to prove that I actually follow my own advice I had cereal and yogurt for breakfast, tuna and crackers for lunch and I went to the gym so now I’m going to Browny’s house for dinner and wine!

Be balanced!

Love Lady Smaggle


*He doesn’t actually have another girlfriend. I don’t share. And in my defence the only reason why I eat chocolate is because Mr Smaggle’s brother, Mr Squiggle has several opened blocks of different kinds of chocolate in the fridge ALL THE TIME. It’s hell. I’m a peer pressure chocolate eater. I don’t even like it that much.

** Yes USA. I’m talking about you.



  1. Lady Smaggle, you’re hilarious and these tips are absolutely EXCELLENT. (Particularly helpful after recent episodes of chocolate bingeing of my own.) Thank-you! 🙂

  2. Nadist 15 years ago

    Oh, Lady Smaggle, you are SO funny! Tough arse-kicking exercise wear! Movie montage! Britney! Wayne’s World quotes!

    I’m sorry for people who don’t like exercise; I only do exercise I like. (At the moment I am all about the Zumba.)

  3. fats 15 years ago

    you’re a funny chick…you rock!!!!! Remember this…you are not alone!!! xx

  4. Sal 15 years ago

    So very, very true: Balanced, reasonable expectations are the only way to stay healthy in the long-term. Too bad, too, as I love a French fry binge. Like, thrice weekly …

  5. Grant 15 years ago

    I always imagine that I’m in some sort of really lame reality TV show when I’m exercising and that helps me through. I imagine Naomi Robson (ex-host of Today Tonight) is following me around, commenting on what I’m doing.

    I’m a little scary, aren’t I?


  6. marta 15 years ago

    I totally agree with you. I can’t workout without music, for some reason I just loose my energy. Thanks for this post, it motivated me more!

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