Be your best self.

Oh Yes and Hell No!

Oh Yes and Hell No!
Carly Jacobs


Oh Yes

* Long car trips listening to Louis C K comedy and Stanford college podcasts.

* Afternoon couch naps with my Pomeranian friend Charlie.

* Beautiful luggage to take to India.

* My favourite Greek Chobani yogurt being on sale.

* Having my two November wedding outfits sorted.

* My new heart rate monitor. Love it. I never waste a run by being slack anymore.

* Ear marking some Smaggle time for January to work on a project I have brewing.

* Glasses (bottles) of wine with my mum.

* My awesome new stretch Lycra onesie that I’m wearing under EVERYTHING! Seriously. It’s a Lycra onesie. Photos soon, I promise.

* Crazy, wonderful, hilarious and exhausting afternoons with my niece.

* Having her look at my mother’s ample bosom, then back at my more modest rack and ask ‘Where’s your boobies Carly?‘. Hilarious.

* Surprising my bestie on her birthday.

* Dumpling dates with my crew.

Hell No

* My typhoid shot that’s still hurting a full week later.

* Enthusiastic and playful puppy bites that accidentally break skin.  Ouch.

* Bad sleeping patterns exacerbated by early warm summer weather. Blergh.

And you…?


  1. Natalie Mulford 12 years ago

    Oh kiddies! They come out with the cutest things!

  2. JessB 12 years ago

    I saw your email in my Inbox Lady Smaggle, and was prepared to be all grumpy and just post a whole lot of Hell, No happenings, then came here and had to laugh at the gorgeous, outrageous shoes! Thanks for the giggle!

    Hell, No
    – working way too much. A couple of 12 hour days, and no lunch breaks. I even went in on the public holiday yesterday. Blech.
    – watching some acquaintances deal with a really sick daughter. Like, really sick. Like, dying. I can’t stand it. That puts everything into perspective.

    Oh, Yes
    – I made chocolate chip cookies for my big meeting today at work and got to eat the leftovers.
    – I picked up my new glasses yesterday.
    – I had a nice breakfast out with my Dad and my sister.

    I dunno, looking on the positive side, things aren’t as bad as I thought, but I just can’t stop thinking about that little girl and her parents who are trying to cherish every moment with their sick daughter.

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