Be your best self.

Ask Lady Smaggle – Questions 31 to 40

Ask Lady Smaggle – Questions 31 to 40
Carly Jacobs

Just ‘coz I’m a bit of a nosy parker… and a romantic… my question is about you & mister smaggle. anything you fancy divulging: how did you meet? how long have you been together? you have mentioned a couple of times that he’s younger than you – how much?

Alright I’ll tell you… It’s 2002. I’m in a theatre watching a play that my friend is in. All of sudden this tall, gorgeous blond thing walks on stage and my brain goes all ‘Well, hello delicious. Who the hell might you be?’. I’m a sucker for man who can act and he was doing the most perfect Scottish accent – swoon. We spoke briefly after the show and I congratulated him on his performance. My friend Gina who I was seeing in the show was watching this interlude. After he left she came up to me and said ‘Dude. Don’t even think about it. He’s fourteen’. Yeah. Awkward much. I was eighteen at the time so um… ew. In my defense he has been six foot freaking four since he was eleven with a baritone that rivals James Earl Jones. So bite me. Then we kept doing plays together and stayed in contact and then one day, four years later, when it was no longer illegal for me to touch him, we went to see a movie and well…. we will have been together for four years in March. He is spectacular. Totally worth the wait.

What places do you love in Melbourne, esp. for going out for a night on the town?

I love Shanghai Dumpling house and then just down the road is the Shanghai Club where we do karaoke. It’s awesome. Both are just on Little Bourke St at the start of China town. I also love the Toff for cool shows and Section 8 the bar next door to Shanghai Dumpling House. I also love the Westgarth Palace cinema, Mixed Business Cafe in Clifton Hill and Night Cat just off Brunswick Street… and those are pretty much the only places I ever go. Sad.

What recipe are you most proud of and can you give us the step by step instructions to make it?

Easily Smoosh’n’freezin.

It’s a no bake slice that you smoosh in the pan and freeeze. Hence Mr Squiggle naming it ‘Smoosh’n’freezin’.

Ingredients –

70 gms butter

1/2 cup condensed milk

250 gms Gluten free plain biscuits (or if your boyfriend is normal you can use Scotch Fingers or Milk Arrowroots)

1/2 cup of chopped apricots

1/2 chopped white chocolate (or more… I’m usually quite generous with the white choc in this recipe)

1/2 chopped sweet baking ginger

1/2 cup desicated coconut

1/2 cup chopped macadamia nuts

1 Packet of Milk or Dark melts

You throw the butter and condensed milk in a small saucepan and over low heat. Stir until butter is melted and mixture is all nice and mixed up.

Break up the biscuits with your hands into a bowl. Make sure to leave some chunks for crunchy goodness.

Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl. Add butter and condensed milk and mix well.

Firmly press mixture into a lined slice pan. REALLY firmly press the mixture. Only if you want it to stay together. If you want it to be a crumbly mess then don’t.

Spread slice with melted chocolate and place in the fridge until firm. Once you have removed it from the fridge let it reach room temperature before you cut the slice otherwise the chocolate will crack.

This is a great recipe because it’s all in 1/2 cup amounts so you can exchange any ingredients  – I’ve used cranberries, pecans, dried bananas… this recipe is so popular as well. I’ve never left a party without an empty plate when I take this.

If you could wake up with any skill – not superpower, but actual skill, like knitting or something – what would it be? In other words, what would you love to be able to do really well without any practice whatsoever?

Singing. Hands down. I wouldn’t say I’m a terrible singer… I can definitely be given a microphone with out fear of puncturing eardrums but a naturally amazing singing voice would be absolutely number one.

Do you have someone whose blog you read or maybe a writer/author/artist, you love their style, you think they are witty and smart and you just think you could be friends with them, like drinking wine and talking?

Oh great question! Yes. Yes and Yes. Daddy Likey. What Claudia Wore. Seth Godin. I actually laugh out loud when I read these blogs – Except Seth’s. I just silently nod in awe. I could prettily easily eat dinner with anyone at Design Sponge too. Actually, screw it. Let’s just have a big old dinner party and invite them all shall I?

What’s in the Smaggle Pack?

A hand crafted Smaggle made ring and some of my favourite tea, chocolate and lip gloss.

What exactly are you hiding in that hair of yours?

Right now…? You don’t want to know. Previous items include bugs, pen lids (after having my hair in pony tail at school all day I came home and washed my hair and TWO pen lids fell out of it), hair bands that I thought I had lost and we also had a yellow budgie called Buddy who loved to hide in it but sometimes he got a bit tangled and couldn’t get out and Mamma Smaggle had to rescue him.

What does Smaggle mean? why did you choose it as your nom de plume? do your family/friends know what it means?

Smaggle – violent affection. I chose it because it sort of defines me I guess. I’m really feisty and forceful but it’s only because I’m just so freaking excited about everything all the time. Plus it’s just a great word. And Mr Smaggle fought tooth and nail for the domain so we felt it was meant to be. Family and friends know the meaning and lots of them now refer to me as Lady Smaggle.

How would you classify your style? I tend to go off-duty-dominatrix/sexretary at work & blogger-casual in evenings/weekends, et vous?

I’m like an art gallery owner in the office. A gypsy in the jewellers workshops. I’m a kindergarten teacher meets house painter when I’m teaching – the kids are gorgeous but very dirty. I’m a fashion week wanna be when I’m out for dinner and on weekends. I experiment the most in my free time. I don’t really have an identity… it’s a bit bizarre actually.

Would you blog if you had no audience? What would your superhero/alterego look like/dress like? If you could rock one look you currently can’t for whatever reason (i cant rock dresses, because i haven’t the presence of mind to sit like a lady, for instance..) what would it be?

I blogged for three months before I made the site live. It was like a dress rehearsal to see if I could commit. So yes, I have blogged when I didn’t have an audience and I would blog without one again. Although it’s so much for fun with you guys around! I would do sleek sophisticated like Audrey Hepburn or Cate Blanchett. I can’t pull off this look because of my hair and general urchin like appearance, most of the time I look like a crawled out from under a rock. If I could I would wear long silk dresses with no accessories and fitted pants and blazers. I look weird when I try to dress too ‘neat’.

Love Lady Smaggle



  1. Michelle 14 years ago

    The story of the budgie getting caught in your hair and the original meeting of you & Mr. Smaggle both made me laugh so hard that Matt wanted to know what was going on!

  2. Andrea 14 years ago

    I don’t usually comment because I am shy and you are intimidatingly cool, but … I love you! Not in a creepy way. (I think). Have so enjoyed reading the answers to all these questions, and I also love this:

    “I think it’s bullshit when people say that you can achieve anything as long as you believe in yourself. I think you can achieve anything if you know what you want, you’re realistic about it and you work your butt off.”

    I COMPLETELY agree. Am sick of people saying how ‘lucky’ I am for having a book published. Luck has nothing to do with it. Believing in myself has nothing to do with it. Having a realistic, clear goal and working hard is the only way to achieve things. Rawr!

    Anyway. I have never seen the phrase “when it was no longer illegal for me to touch him” in a how-we-met story before, and I now think it should be in ALL how-we-met stories.

    Andrea xx

  3. Tameena 14 years ago

    So you know what’s funny? I think I saw you at Supabarn on Friday evening, as I recognised you from your photos and it was funny, coz I had just sent you a question on your blog!

    And I didn’t want to come up to you and scare you, as I didn’t have the answer to my question, and thought you might think it odd if I just came up to you and said, “hi lady!”

    I probably should have, huh. ?

    Hope you had a nice grocery shopping evening and stocked up on goodies!

    Have a lovely day!

  4. Jordan Best 14 years ago

    your face looks super slim and slinky in that photo. You need to come hang with me and Willster this week…

  5. sarah von 14 years ago

    1) Yes. Let’s dinner party it up, friend!

    2) There was a period in my life when I felt moved to perm my very thick hair because I thought I “had a curly haired personality.” And I would regularly aim to stick random things into that mass and lose them. I feel you.

  6. Lady Smaggle 14 years ago

    Tameena – Last Friday evening? Was I really there??? Oh right! I was getting cucumbers and hummus to go to Browny’s house! Do come and say hi next time. I love it when people do that!

    Jordan – Working on it lady! I’ll call you.

    Michelle – Ha! I’m surprised that poor bird made it out alive sometimes.

    Andrea – You are freaking KIDDING ME! I love your blog! I’ve been subscribing to it for ages! Whoa! I’m so going to comment at you site right now. Yes I am.

    Sarah Von – What exactly is curly haired personality? Do I have one?

  7. jodie potter 14 years ago

    Speaking of DIY how about step by step instructions to create your own fab celebrity inspired updos from home? Check them out at
    I’m gonna look like Angelina tonight!


  1. Smaggle Style » Blog Archive » About Lady Smaggle – Questions 41 to… I don’t know… count them. 14 years ago

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