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5 Podcasts That Will Make That Boring Thing Less Boring

5 Podcasts That Will Make That Boring Thing Less Boring
Carly Jacobs
podcasts 2019

I never used to understand people who can work out without listening to music or a podcast. People would run past me, their ears free of headphones and I’d marvel at how they were able to stop themselves dying of boredom or having some kind existential crises from spending way too much time with their own thoughts. I have never in my life gone for a run without some kind of entertainment. The few times I’ve found myself at the gym without my headphones, I’ve just left without doing my workout. Exercise already sucks, there’s no way I’m doing it if I have to atually be there for it, without any distractions.

Since becoming a parent though, I totally respect the lack of headphones. Silence and stillness are golden. There’s so little time in the day to just be with your thoughts when you have a little one. Before my daughter came along I could barely bring myself to walk to the letterbox without a podcast in my ears. Now I’m quite happy to do almost anything in silence. And yes, Janet, I’m aware that you can appreciate silence when you don’t have children. I’m just saying that I didn’t appreciate it until I had a kid. Calm your farm.

This doesn’t mean I’ve completely abandoned my love of podcasts though. Every afternoon I take little miss for a walk in the carrier before her dinner. Most afternoons I don’t struggle to get out the door at all – I love going for a walk and she’s utterly mesmerised by the world so she either stares around wide-eyed, or tucks herself away for a little snooze if she’s feeling tired. Sometimes I don’t want to go but we both feel better if I do. She sleeps better when she gets out for some fresh air, I’m happier and sleep better when I get my body moving, so make sure I go every day even if I’d rather snuggle under a blanket and read picture books instead.

One thing I’ve discovered that really helps get me out the door is a bloody good podcast. The kind of podcast that tells a story over several episodes and is so engaging you can’t wait to listen to the next one. Podcasts exactly like Serial. It was really was a game changer wasn’t it?

Here are my top 5 Serial-esque podcasts I’ve listened to this year.

podcasts 2019


This is a fantastic podcast by NPR about the infamous Olympic gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar who got away with sexually abusing hundreds of girls and women for decades in his medical practice. The podcast has interviews with Larry survivors, excerpts from the court case and details how he managed to abuse so many girls and often right in front of their parents.

podcasts 2019

Who the Hell is Hamish?

I’m about a 20-minute walk away from finishing this podcast but I’m already recommending it. Who The Hell Is Hamish? is about a guy called Hamish (der!) who ran a personal Ponzi-scheme and stole millions of dollars off countless people including Aussie fashion designer Lisa Ho. There are interviews with several people who he ripped off, women he was in romantic relationships with and an episode on how he managed to get away with it for so long. Essential listening.


This podcast is about the history of gay conversion therapy in the United States. It’s a fascinating look at how it was marketed, who ran these camps, who went to them and the effect it took on the participants and their families. It’s a precursor to the movie Boy Erased with Nicole Kidman and Russel Crowe, which I can’t wait to watch.

podcasts 2019

The Dropout 

I’ve only just started listening to this but it’s so freaking good. I already listened to the audiobook Bad Blood last year (if you haven’t read/listened to it, get on it!) and this is just more icing on this totally weird cake. Elizabeth Holmes was the first self-made female billionaire when she invented revolutionary blood testing technology… but it was all a lie. A really, really big lie. This podcast details who she managed to lie to her investors and build up a massive business that was based on smoke and mirrors.

podcasts 2019

Dr Death 

This podcast is quite awful to listen to but it’s a fascinating tale about a doctor who claimed to be the best neurosurgeon in Dallas but he frequently botched surgeries leaving his patients severely injured or in the worst cases, dead. It’s a fascinating look at how well Dr Duntsch was protected in an industry that hero worships surgeons without questioning their abilities.

What podcasts have you been listening to? Any favourites you’d like to share?

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P.P.S Don’t forget Crochet Coach has a free trial offer period at the moment so make sure you sign up!


  1. Tanya Horsman 5 years ago

    I love armchair expert with Dax Shepherd. It’s fun and has honestly helped me grow as a person.

    Conan O’Brien needs a friend is hilarious.

    Getting sirius with Ricky Gervais is also funny and informative .A great debate starter.

  2. Morgane 5 years ago

    I really like Invisibilia, another NPR podcast, I believe.

  3. Skye 5 years ago

    Check out a new one called One Wild Ride! One of my new faves

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