Be your best self.

Weekend Away – Daily Style

Weekend Away – Daily Style
Carly Jacobs

This weekend Mr Smaggle and I went to Thredbo. It’s a posh little snow village about two hours drive from Canberra. You know the kind of place – lots of babies wearing designer shoes (I never understood the point of that seeing as they CAN’T WALK) and everywhere you go you’re either dodging a BMW or a bleached blonde soccer mum with a fistful of acrylic nails. Nonetheless it is absolutely beautiful. This is what I wore on the trip up…

* White dress from Tree of Life

* Black opaques from Myer

* Black flats from Zu

* Black cardigan from Wayne Cooper

* Leather jacket from Target (It’s real leather and it’s just the style I was looking for)

* Scarf from Tree of Life

Thredbo also happens to be at the foot of the highest mountain in Australia, Mount Kosciusko. It’s quite a gentle four hour walk up the mountain and back down again so we packed some yumminess and walked our little bums right up that big ol’ mountain. And I took an outfit shot from the highest point in Australia! Obviously the outfit isn’t too special but I drew a bit of a crowd doing my outfit shot poses on the stone monument…

* Tracksuit pants from Big W

* Dunlop Volleys (what up 1988!) from Target

* Long sleeved t-shirt from Target

* Zipper jumper from Peter Alexander

* Head wrap from Tasmania

* Red sunglasses from Equip

Needless to say after trudging up the mountain Mr Smaggle and I were very hungry, windblown and ready to be dressed in something other than running gear. So we got all pretty and went for a drive outside of Thredbo to find a yummy restaurant to have dinner at. There were twelve Italian restaurants and one Chinese restaurant. Mr Smaggle is allergic to wheat so we exclusively eat Asian food. The one Chinese restaurant was the most disgusting place we have ever eaten. They had brown vinyl tablecloths and orange plastic tables with the scummiest old napkin dispensers (the dispensers were so old that the contact number for the supplier had 5 digits. Australian phone numbers have had 7 digits for at least the past 10 years) . The waitress said ‘youse’ about eight times. ‘Do youse want drinks?’. ‘Are youse sharing?’. ‘Do youse want chopsticks or forks?’. And this charming lass at the table next to us ordered her main meal and then got herself a Chiko roll from the takeaway next door and proceeded to eat it in the restaurant while waiting for her food. Her boyfriend audibly burped at regular intervals while this was going on. The restaurant also sold cigarettes. That’s right. Corner store style. It was also a bakery and sold croissants. And it had an ice cream fridge like a service station. It was positively surreal. Here is what I wore to the restaurant from hell…

* Dress from Big W

* Cardigan from Wayne Cooper

* Black opaques from Myer

* Boots from Redpaths

* Leather jacket from Target

* Scarf from Tree of Life

This photo was taken mere seconds after we ate very little of our mixed-stir-fried-but-still-half-frozen-vegetables with unidentifiable brown sauce and our chewy dark meat with glug topping and peas and celery. Because peas and celery are obviously traditional Chinese vegetables. The rest of the weekend was blissful though!

How was your Easter weekend? Super lovely? Do share!

Oh and I totally forgot to tell you that I saw a car with the number plate ‘poo’! Ha ha hahahaha haha haha!

Love Lady Smaggle



  1. Lady Smaggle 16 years ago

    Susie_Bubble – Thanks love it’s my tacky out the front of the revolting Chinese restuarant photo!

  2. susie_bubble 16 years ago

    You look so cute in that last picture!

  3. Lady Smaggle 16 years ago

    Ali – Are you serious??? Where the hell were you when we needed you? I think we found the Thai place but it was shut but we never found noodles or a decent Chinese. God damn it!

  4. Ali 16 years ago

    haha, I know that chinese place. don’t know why you went there, there are other chinese places, a thai place and a really really good noodle bar around the corner from there!

  5. Kerrin 16 years ago

    I have just caught up on all my smaggle style reading after being away for nearly three weeks! Had a lovely Easter – but not one single egg (yet). Went to the Easter Show today and saw the dogs, cats, and fruit cakes. And very proud of myself because I made a Thai curry from scratch (including the paste) on Saturday night.

  6. Lady Smaggle 16 years ago

    Kerrin – Welcome back! That’s a lot of Smaggle to catch up on! You made the curry paste? I’ll be expecting a repeat performance when I drag Mr Smaggle up to visit you soon…

  7. princessnaea 16 years ago

    Tain and I did Kate-Moss-festival-style at the Folkie – messy hair, big sunnies (yes, I know, half the time we look like that anyway), boots tucked into jeans (I wore my cowboys!), big earrings, baggy tees, and I wore yellow nailpolish. All accessorised with the four-day-hangover-from-hell!
    Happy Zombie Jesus Day!

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