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Do you ‘treat’ your skin?

Do you ‘treat’ your skin?
Carly Jacobs

No I don’t mean feeding it chocolate cake and buying it new shoes. I mean using a daily facial treatment on it. Yeah… I didn’t get what that meant either until I read Amazing Face by Zoe Foster. 

She says that you need to moistourise your skin, tone it, exfoliate it, sprinkle fairy dust on it but then also treat it with some form of serum. Every day. Basically you pick a serum that matches your issues like an Uber Awesome Amaze-balls Hydrating Serum or Foetus Face Youth Serum and it does magic shit to your face. This information would have been helpful a month ago when I started using Soap & Glory Skincare Make Yourself Youthful Rejuvenating Face Serum, because I thought it was a moisturiser with a fancy name. I was wrong. And it was a crap moisturiser, but a freaking amazing serum. Which I’m pretty sure was the plan.

I’m of the beauty school where you slap a handful of supermarket night cream on to your jowls and hope for the best but with all these fancy shmancy products available these days, coupled with the fact that I’m not getting any younger, I’ve come to love the ritual of smoothing serum on my face at night just before my moistuiser. It’s makes my skin all tingly and tight and I feel it doing very important things as I sleep. I imagine it’s how digital images feel when you drag the airbrush tool over them. It could be a placebo effect but honestly? My skin feels like the tummy of a kitten, but without all the fur. I’m sticking with my serums.

Do you use serums? Would you recommend any?

This product was sent to Smaggle for editorial consideration. 


  1. Eva 13 years ago

    Oh, I use the most MAGIC serum in the history of the world!!!  Can I link it here??

  2. Elisabeth 13 years ago

    I’ve actually started using a serum fairly recently! I agree, it’s AMAZEBALLS. Sali Hughes, beaty writer for The Guardian, has some great tips:'m pretty happy with my skin, but it’s a total diva with strict demands (sensitive, dehydrated, occasionally dry, yet I often get invisible, but annoying, clogged pores around my jawline and cheeks).I use hydrating serum from Eucerin under my moisturizer by day, and an omega-3 night serum from REN. These are my first ones, so I can’t say if they’re the best out there, but they really are doing great things for my skin. The REN one seems to heal my skin while I sleep, while the Eucerin one just makes my skin feel all hydrated and lovely without the usual thick layer of moisturizer all over my face (I need much less of it over a serum, and can get away with using a lighter day cream that doesn’t clog my pores). Win-win-win. My next buy is Clinique Even Better Clinical. I’ve heard great things. 

  3. Elisabeth 13 years ago

    Re-posting link, because it just vanished into the comment:  

  4. Nikki Parkinson 13 years ago

    I’m the serum Queen! One of the best and least expensive is Trilogy’s Rosehip Oil.

  5. Browny 13 years ago

    Ive just gotten onto Aspect Dr products and I love them! I’m addicted and use the deep clean cleanser twice daily (I never used to cleanse in the morning but after a consultation with a specialist was convinced to, and my skin is so much cleaner and brighter! Pillows are dirty!). I then use the Active C serum in the morning with ASAP 30+ moisturiser over the top and the Aspect Exfol A Serum at night, and occasionally the moisteriser over the top if my skin feels dry but pretty rarely. It could be  a placebo effect but I don’t care because I feel like it works, and lots of people have commented on my skin recently. It’s kinda pricey but they last forever.. i started with the starter kit before going all out but I was pretty sold after a few days..

  6. Julie Owen Atkinson 13 years ago

    I use a serum and I love it!  I use Arbonne’s RE9 Advanced Intensive Renewal Serum.  It makes such a huge difference in my skin!  Full disclosure: I am an Arbonne rep as well. And I use the products like mad!

  7. Dr Na 13 years ago

    I was using rosehip oil but I started suffering from pretty regular breakouts so I stopped… I don’t know, maybe I’m doing it wrong? or maybe my skin is oily enough… recommendations?

  8. emmams 13 years ago

    I love serums – but you totally have to find the right one for your skin.  Mine is very oily, so I use Academie Derm Acte Antioxidant cream or MD Skincare Anti-Aging Vitamin C Gel. Both contain a fair whack of vitamin C which is brilliant if you have oily skin – it makes you look all fresh and radiant.

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