Be your best self.

The Charlie Sheen Guide To Cutting Back on Alcohol

The Charlie Sheen Guide To Cutting Back on Alcohol
Carly Jacobs

Welcome to the first day of 20 Days of No Bullshit Health and Fitness – a month long series where I answer all your questions about health and fitness in a realistic way. This means no activated almonds or celebrity endorsed magic berry juices. Just normal advice for every day people with jobs and families and budgets.

I’m kicking off the series with…

The Charlie Sheen Guide To Cutting Back on Alcohol

The reasons for choosing Charlie Sheen are two-fold.

1. If Charlie Sheen can cut down on drinking, so can you.

2. If you read something funny after reading something important, you’re more likely to remember it.

So on that note here’s some practical advice on cutting back on alcohol, artfully peppered with Charlie Sheen quotes. Enjoy.

Nominate Your Drinking Days At The Beginning of The Week

Allow yourself two or three evenings per week in which you can have a drink and choose them on Monday. So perhaps you might pick Wednesday because you have a date, Friday for after work drinks and maybe Sunday for that picnic in the park you have planned. Don’t allow yourself to drink on any other night. This method is particularly effective if you need to attend functions for work or have to entertain clients at restaurants so between that and your social life you end up drinking every single day. Pre-pick your days and stick to them to prevent endless weeks where you drink every day.

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“I am on a drug, it’s called Charlie Sheen. It’s not available because if you try it you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.”

Offer to Drive 

An oldie but a goodie. If you offer to drive not only do you save cash at the bar by not buying drinks but you’re forced to have a teetotal evening. If you drive more times than you don’t, you’ll automatically drink less. Win.

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“C’mon bro, I won best picture at 20. I wasn’t even trying. I wasn’t even warm.”

Spend Less Time With People Who Drink

We are all grown ups but lets face it, it’s much more difficult to resist an icy cold cider on a summer afternoon if everyone around you is enjoying a frosty beverage. For the first few weeks of cutting back try to spend as little time as possible with other drinkers.  This doesn’t mean you have to cut your friends out of your life but perhaps invite them to spend time with you doing other things like having a coffee or going for a walk. At least until you’re strong enough to hang out with them and not dive head first into a case of Pure Blonde.

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“I’m sorry, man, but I’ve got magic. I’ve got poetry in my fingertips. Most of the time — and this includes naps — I’m an F-18, bro.”

Only Drink on Days Starting With ‘T’ 

This is a weird one but hear me out. A friend of mine tried this a few years ago because she was able to sensibly have 2 glasses of wine on a weekday but on weekends she went hell for leather and couldn’t stop herself from mainlining copious amounts of vodka every Friday and Saturday night. So she made a rule that she was only allowed to drink on Tuesdays and Thursdays for a month to break the repetitive cycle of drinking heavily every weekend. As she had to work during the week so her ‘T’ Day drinking was kept at a sensible level and she didn’t waste every weekend being hungover like she usually did.

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 “There are parts of me that are Dennis Hopper.”

Don’t Keep Alcohol in Your Home 

Out of sight, out of mind. If you don’t keep alcohol in your home, you won’t be able to drink it. It’s as simple as that. Also don’t feel pressured to keep alcohol in your house to offer to guests. It’s perfectly acceptable to offer guests tea or soft drink. This act alone will limit your drinking to occasions when you’re out of your house.

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 “People are mystified by this odyssey that refuses to quit calling itself Charlie Sheen.”

Try The 5/2 Diet

The main premise of this diet is that you fast for two days each week, only consuming 500 calories on your nominated days. The diet is said to increase brain function, concentration, productivity and weight loss. You’re allowed to eat whatever you like on the other days (within reason) so that could include a few sneaky beverages on your days off. I’ve tried the diet and found it pretty effective. I lost weight, had heaps more energy and I was able to have a glass of wine most nights in the week. 

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 “I’m tired of pretending I’m not a total bitchin’ rock star from Mars.”

How often do you drink? Are you looking at cutting back?

If you have any health and fitness questions that you’d like answers to just let me know in the comments. You can also like the Smaggle Facebook page and follow on Twitter for more healthy bits and pieces.

I’ll also be sending a weekly round up of the 20 Days of No Bullshit Health and Fitness so make sure you subscribe. 

The Australian Alcohol guidelines recommend the following for safe consumption of alcohol. For men: No more than 4 standard drinks a day on average. And no more than 6 standard drinks on any one day. One or two alcohol-free days per week. For women: No more than 2 standard drinks a day on average. And no more than 4 standard drinks on any one day. One or two alcohol-free days per week. If you or someone you know has a problem with alcohol contact DrinkWise for advice or speak to your doctor. 



  1. Kat 11 years ago

    Ooo Carly, please type something up on the 5:2 diet!! I’ve done 1 week and it’s been ok thus far!

    • Author
      Smaggle 11 years ago

      I’ll do a review of the different diets I’ve tried!

  2. Jan 11 years ago

    Less alcohol?? Are you insane?? This post is blasphemy!! A pox on your house!! Moar pics of Charlie Sheen’s eyebrows please.

    • Author
      Smaggle 11 years ago

      I know, I’m so sorry it was my liver talking. x

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