Be your best self.

9 Totally Unsexy but Very Excellent Skin Care Tips 

9 Totally Unsexy but Very Excellent Skin Care Tips 
Carly Jacobs
This post is sponsored by Voeu

‘Whoa! You’re wearing foundation! I’ve never seen you wear proper make-up before!’ 

I arrived at my best mate’s house for lunch but I’d been shooting a commercial that morning. I had the FULL shebang of proper make-up on. Like my face was a whole different colour. On camera, I looked natural AF but in real life I looked like I had totally abandoned any semblance of a skin care routine and decided to instead rub my face in a bag of Cheetos. The thick layers of foundation were cracking around my mouth and I could actually smell the liquid eye-liner the make-up artist had liberally applied to my eyelids. It all felt awful and I clearly didn’t look like myself. 

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TBH, I’ve never been big into make-up but I’ve certainly had my moments. When I was 13 my best friend and I took these two-for-one vouchers we found in Dolly magazine and bought matching pressed powder and brown lipstick which we diligently wore every day for months. Hot.  In my early 20s I went through a Naked palette full-eye-make-up-every-day phase. After that I watched one too many Wes Anderson films and went through a heavy navy blue eye-liner period. You know when you decide the New You is totally Margot Tenenbaum? Yeah. That. 

Recently though (and by recently I mean the last decade), I’ve scaled my make-up routine waaaaaay back. These days I slap on a handful of sunscreen, primer, tinted moisturiser and mascara. Maybe a quick dab of concealer under my eyes if I care about looking like I slept the night before. I might groom my eyebrows but only if I’ve been lazy haven’t had them tinted in a while. 

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Skin care is a whole different kettle of fish though. I wouldn’t say I’m obsessed with skin care but I’ve had a whole routine going for most of my teenage/adult life and you know what? As a result, my skin doesn’t suck. I’ve been cleansing and moisturising since I was about 13 years old and I’ve slowly added a few other vital elements over the years. 

skin care routine

I’ve teamed up with Voeu to bring you these skin care routine tips. To celebrate the launch of their new Hydrating Tissue Masks and their other affordable skin care prods I’ve popped together a list of killer skin care tips (there’s also a competition for you win these prods so stay tuned!) These tips aren’t super glamorous, but they’ll do the trick to help your skin not suck. The thing that changed the whole skin care game for me was that I low-key stopped caring about it. I used to freak out about finding the perfect combination of products for my skin and you know what? A good skin care routine doesn’t have to cost a fortune so why bother wasting money and time on ultra-fancy stuff if it’s not something you really care about that much? Your skin care routine doesn’t have to cost a weeks wages and it also doesn’t have to take up hours of your time researching different regimes and shopping online for that oh-so-magical miracle product. 

9 Totally Unsexy but Very Excellent Skin Care Routine Tips

skin care routine




1. Drink water… drink all the water 

Yep that ol’ chestnut. Drinking water is super boring. It tastes boring, you wish it was wine and it makes you need to pee all the time but it’s unbelievably vital – not only for your survival but also for your skin. Which is obviously a secondary concern to general survival but also a pleasing side effect. The actual science behind water having an effect on your skin is a bit wishy washy but a study published in 2007 in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science found that drinking 2.25 litres of water per day for four weeks altered skin density and thickness. Results were inconsistent but the main takeaway was that regularly drinking water can improve your skin – basically making it all thick and bouncy like toddler skin. So obviously do that. If you need help to remember to drink water you can use the Daily Water app. It’s just a good way to remind yourself to drink water if you tend to forget. 

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2. Wear sunscreen… every single day 

Even in winter. In the colder months I use a moisturiser that has a sunscreen in it but in summer I’m a bit paranoid and I make sure I use a proper 50+ sunscreen under my moisturiser and make-up. Hot tip – physical block sunscreens go on last, chemical sunscreens go on first. Check out this article if you want more information about the difference between chemical and physical sunscreens. I tend to mainly use sport/waterproof sunscreens because I’m a sweaty Betty and I move around a lot so in summer it’s head to toe sunscreen every morning straight out of the shower for me. Most waterproof sunscreens are chemical, so they go on bare skin. 

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3. Dry body brush 

This is a relatively new addition to my routine but since I gave up sugar and started eating low-carb high-fat about a year ago, the skin on my body has been super dry. Which has never been an issue for me, but all of a sudden my skin, especially on my legs is super flakey. About once every three days, while I’m waiting for the shower to warm up I give myself a quick scrub all over my body with my dry body brush. It’s best to do it when your skin is dry because the hot water steals your moisture if you do it in the shower. There’s no hard proof that dry body brushing helps with cellulite or digestion (both popular claims) but it’s definitely one of the better ways to exfoliate so you get more bang for your buck out of your moisturiser. I have the Iris body brush from Funkis and it’s great. 

4. Go light 

In winter, I use moisturisers that feel like butter but they’re waaaaaaay too heavy and thick for summer. I go with more milky textured creams in summer. The Voeu Age Regeneration Day Cream is pretty ace for in-between seasons and it’s got liquorice root extract which is anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant which is perfect if you’re like me and you have what I call selectively sensitive skin that is fine for months on end and then all of sudden chucks a whopping tantrum for no reason, when I haven’t even changed products. My skin is such a drama queen… twice a year and the rest of the time she’s cool as a cucumber. A little consistency wouldn’t astray, just saying. 

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5. Wear natural fibres 

This is more for body skin but seriously wearing synthetic fibres in summer makes me feel like a walking swamp. Particularly under my arms which can end up red and bumpy if I don’t wear cotton or linen in summer. I can handle synthetics in winter but summer is all about the natural fibres or blends of natural fibres. Below is my favourite dress from Jericho Road Clothing. 100% cotton and super comfy.

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6. Add a once weekly regime

I think most people have their daily routine down pat – cleanse, serum, moisturise, make-up – repeat at night. It’s the other stuff that tends to get forgotten like weekly exfoliations and deep treatment masks. I’ll admit I’m a bit slack with this kind of stuff myself and I used to only use cloth masks and weekly facial treatments if I was going to a wedding or a few weeks before Christmas in the vain hope I’d look refreshed in front of my grandparents instead of looking like a swamp creature whose main source of sustenance for past month as been wine and pub chips. I tend to paint my nails on Sunday night and now while I’m waiting for them to dry, I do a face mask of some description, because honestly? I really think they make a massive difference. Cloth masks are horrifying to look at – see image below – but they’re designed to give your skin a big whopping load of serum or moisture that you can’t deliver in cream form. I can remember reading about sheet masks years ago in an interview with Cate Blanchett who was the face of some fancy sheet mask brand. When I looked them up I nearly choked on my sun-dried tomato focaccia (that’s how long ago it was – I was eating carbs AND sun-dried tomatoes – it must have been the 90s). It was something like $90 for a single use sheet mask. If I’m paying $90 for a skin thing, there better be a softly spoken woman in a pale pink fake-medical looking uniform applying it to my face and her name better Krystal or I want a refund. Also, can you imagine trying to apply a $90 mask to your own face? That’s too much pressure. I’d get so nervous I’d probably drop the damn thing on the floor. I’m stoked that you can now get affordable sheet masks and at Woolies no less. The Voeu Hydrating Tissue Mask is infused with a hydrating formula with witch hazel, aloe vera extract and sodium hyaluronate that nourishes the skin. The best part though? You can buy them from Woolies (soon!) for just $4. This is my favourite thing because often I’ll be at Woolies at night and all the chemists are closed and I’m hell-bent on having an at-home facial and I can just grab everything I need with my groceries. Bonza. 

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7. Go easy on the alcohol 

I know… It pains meet say it as much as it pains you to hear it but I regularly go for three-month stints without alcohol and my skin vastly improves every time I do this. Full disclosure – I ditch the booze for energy/weight loss and the skin thing is just a bonus. To be fair, my skin is okay most of the time but when I ditch the booze, I look like a freaking supermodel. For real, my skin goes clear and bright, my under eye area plumps up again and I don’t have to use an anti-reddening primer like I usually do. If you think your nightly glass (and Saturday night bottle!) of cab sav might be doing damage to your mug, try going without alcohol for a month and see what happens. Incidentally though, when you’re hungover, tissue masks are BRILLIANT! Chuck one on in the morning before your usual routine and you’re good to go. Hot tip: If you have a feeling you MIGHT be hungover, pop your tissue mask in the fridge for the next morning. Holy refreshing Batman. Nothing will wake you up faster than ice cold tissue mask. Boom. 

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8. Use age-appropriate prods 

Have you ever read Zoe Foster-Blake’s Amazing Face? It’s totally brilliant. If you don’t have this book you really should get it. Especially if you’re not super into beauty and you just want the facts. Zoe worked in beauty magazines for her whole career and gives solid, tried and tested advice in this book. Can’t recommend it highly enough. She has this mad section where she goes through the ingredients you should be using at different stages of your life. I’m in my 30s so I’m concentrating on sun protection, moisturising, regular exfoliation, looking after my under eye area and generally encouraging brightness in my skin. The thing is, I’m super lazy and I almost never shop anywhere but my local supermarket. I do a lot of evening shopping which means most malls and chemists are closed so if I run out of mascara, I’m buying it at Woolies. Since I turned 30 I make sure I always pop on a night cream and an eye cream before bed. For the last few weeks I’ve been using Voeu Age Regenerate night cream and Age regenerate eye serum combo and they’ve been fab so far. The night cream has pink pepper extract which is a purifier (something Foster-Blake highly recommends for your 30s) and the eye serum is gentle enough to be used in the morning and at night. I bloody love a two in one product. Who needs a different eye cream for the morning and night? Not me. Total side note but I also love the size of these products, they’re compact enough to just chuck in my toiletries bag when I go away. Which is often. 

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9. Don’t go to bed with your make-up on 

Seriously, don’t do it. I’ve been fanatical about this to the point where I can’t actually put my face on my pillow if it’s still covered in make-up. I mean I still do it occasionally but I really hate myself when I do it. I keep a packet of face wipes in my bedside table for those nights when I didn’t end up having a shower (sometimes I skip a shower – sue me) so I can quickly get my make-up off and slap moisturiser on before I fall asleep. I have weirdly sensitive skin which just randomly decides to flare up for no real reason so I’ve had some trouble with make-up wipes in the past. The Voeu Micellar Cleansing Wipes are super gentle and they have Vitamin E in them which stops the stingy feeling you get from other wipes. They just gently cleanse away your makeup and leave your skin feeling refreshed before bedtime. Sweet. 

skin care routine

To celebrate the launch of Voeu’s Hydrating Tissue Masks (and basically their whole affordable, no fuss skin care range you can discover at Woolworths) I’m giving away 3 Voeu starter packs to 3 lucky readers.

Pack includes –

  • Micellar Wipes
  • Age regenerate day cream
  • Age Protect Night Cream
  • Hydrating Tissue Mask
  • Age regenerate eye cream
  • Exfoliating Scrub

All you have to do to enter is comment on this blog post, telling me about your skin care routine. This is a game of skill so creative, funny or extra informative answers will increase your chances of winning. Competition is only open to people living in Australia.

What’s your skin care routine? Do you use any essential products that I don’t use? Or vice versa?

P.S Also you should totally sign up for my newsletter. It’s full of cool stuff.
P.P.S Don’t forget Crochet Coach has a free trial offer period at the moment so make sure you sign up! 


  1. nonnuclearmaven 6 years ago

    My routine swings wildly between slapping on some moisturiser and sunscreeen to eleventy bajillion steps including a hot flannel, 7 skins (7 layers of hydrating toner), a sheet mask, a little facial massage and sleeping on my back so I don’t stick to my pillow!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      You know what? I’m actually the same! Most of the time it’s just moisturiser but then sometimes I get fanatical about eye cream and I’ll spend 20 minutes before bed every night carefully dabbing it around my eye area.

  2. Siobhan 6 years ago

    My skin care regime is so in depth that I use a kikki k weekly meal planner template to keep track of it all

    • JulesG 6 years ago

      hah! nice

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      Really? What kind of stuff do you do? I’m so curious now.

  3. Lauren 6 years ago

    I had never heard of a sheet mask before reading this post. But if it’s going to be $90, it should be spelled masque, so it sounds more fancy!
    My skin care routine is almost non existent. I cleanse in the shower, I add sunscreen in summer, moisturiser in winter, and I do an exfoliating scrub about once a week. But as In now in my mid 30s, I think it’s time to pay it more attention, and the tips in this post will help!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      It absolutely should be spelled ‘masque’. I’m the same, once I hit my 30s I was like ‘I think my skin needs a bit more attention!’

  4. sharnmont 6 years ago

    I am in a tight patch where as much as I’d like a 47 step skincare routine… I simply can’t afford to. So I have an ultra cheap but effective and short, routine….
    Cleanse with an Aldi brand cleanser, smoosh on a bit of coconut oil and sunscreen and voila. Cleansed, moisturised and protected for thrippence – but…I could do with any extra help I could get!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      I’m deeply into cheap skin care. I just don’t think the fancy stuff is that much better TBH.

  5. Gemma 6 years ago

    My mum has drummed into me about wearing sunscreen every day since I was a young lass. I think this has gone a long way to how my skin looks now – quite good for my age (I think!). Things went a bit to shit for me when I had my daughter 3 years ago, dehydration and pigmentation being my main issue. So my skin care regime involves a 2 pronged approach to hydration – drinking lots of water and also using hylauronic serum to quench my skin, I use topical vitamin c in the mornings and retinol at night. Other than that, sunscreen ALWAYS. I love mecca’s to save face spf50+ because I am super pale and freckle readily if I catch any pesky UV rays. I don’t care much for makeup on a daily basis, we are pretty similar. After I apply my sunscreen I will use a bit of bb cream or tinted moisturiser and I like a dab of blush on my cheeks and mascara on my lashes.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      Me too! Although the sunscreen is more me, I come from a family of olive skinned, brown eyed people and I’m the only pale blue eyed one! I’ve heard of pregnancy doing that to some women – I’ve been so lucky so far, I haven’t even needed to buy new bras yet and I’m 7 months in!

  6. Mandy 6 years ago

    Water, and my partner’s Nivea for Men face cream..

    Send help!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      Water is awesome and I actually love that little dish of plain Nivea cream. It’s so good for travel!

  7. Siobhan 6 years ago

    Not sure if my comment registered…

    My skincare regimen is so intense I have a kikki k weekly menu planner to keep track of it all

  8. Jeanie 6 years ago

    A hot fannel and cleanser to swipe the day (and all its remnants) off and then a bit of TLC in the form of a Q10 facial serum, moisturer and eye cream to kiss my skin goodnight!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      I try to remember eye cream but I only manage to remember a few times a week! I’m in a bio-oil phase to prevent pregancy stetchmarks and it’s all I can do to remember that every day!

  9. Erin 6 years ago

    The sunscreen tip is a game-changer. Thanks Carly!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      It’s the easiest way to make sure you don’t forget. I recently bought a moisturiser with 50 plus sunscreen in it for Mr Smags. We’re both total vampires so daily sunscreen is a necessity!

  10. Emma Archer 6 years ago

    My skincare regimen is enough that I’ve taken to numbering the steps, in Sharpie, for both AM and PM. It’s multiple steps. My favourite Sunday afternoon or Friday evening is a micro roller and sheet mask session.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      I’ve heard of micro rollers! Apparently they’re amazing. I’ve got a stiff bristle face brush that I love actually.

  11. Emily Furlong 6 years ago

    Like yourself I’ve been using good skin care since my late teens. Now in my late 30s and a lot of people dont believe how old I am and compliment my skin. I’m a massive fan of simple, too many steps does my head in. Cleanser/toner in one, eye creams that work day and night, scrub/mask in one… quality convenience is key! I’m currently trying to teach my daughter about good skin care and struggling as she has different skin to me, so having to learn what works for her has been key. We’re getting there though, trial and error until we find the right products for her. Will have to look for ZFB’s book as it sounds like it might help!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      She has a new one called Amazinger Face which is the updated version! So maybe get that one. My mum and I have the same skin excpet mines a bit more senstive than hers and much, much paler.

  12. Pam 6 years ago

    My skincare has gotten very serious over the course of this last few years I admit I was a bit lazy in my 20’s and probably messed my skin up more than I did it any good. Now that I have turned 40 (umph still have a hard time saying it) I am a serious skincare junkie. I will pretty much try anything once if it promises results. I do mtvroutine every signal night no matter how much I want to ge sleeping in my warm goose down duvet. I double cleanse my face first. Which is essentially going in with a thick oil first and removing my makeup. Step 2 cleanse, step 3 daily micofoliat, step 4 toner, step 5 essence, step 6 serum, step 7 under eye moisturizer, step 8 moisturizer, step 9 oil. I know it sounds excessive but I look forward to this time as it’s me time. No kids no husband just me. I love it!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      That sounds rather lovely actually! I struggle with proper night time cleanses because I shower in the morning after the gym and I feel weird wetting my face not in the shower. I know that’s odd but it’s just a weird thing I have. I still do it but I kind of hate it.

  13. Victoria Kerr 6 years ago

    I make sure I use sunscreen everyday! I don’t want to hate that I didn’t when I get older. That’s why I also force myself to remoer my make up. It can be so hard to do. I’m totally going to have to buy the dry brush, I suffer from horrible dry skin.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      That’s my whole thing with sunscreen, it’s all about prevention. I also just hate being in the sun which defintiely helps. The dry body brush is fabulous – it’s also a great way to just stimulate your body and wake it up.

  14. Michaela 6 years ago

    I don’t live in Australia, so I’m sadly exempt, but I’d love to share my skincare routine either way!

    In the morning, I usually swipe a cotton pad with micellar water over my face, slap on some sunscreen, a priming moisturizer, and some under-eye brightening cream.

    At night, I double cleanse with an oil cleanser and then a mild exfoliating cleanser. Afterwards I apply my serums, my eye cream, and then seal it all in with a nice moisturizer before bed.

    About once a week, I do some serious dry brushing, moisturizing and the sheet mask treatment. Guess I’m doing something right, I turn 31 next month and people often confuse me for early twenties. 🙂

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      That’s an excellent sign! I have the same thing – I get mistaken for being younger too. I taught relief at a school about 3 years ago (when I was 30!) and got ushered into a group of student teachers. I was like ‘Um… I’m 30. I graduated 8 years ago.’ 🙂

  15. Ashlyn Kemper 6 years ago

    My very greek Grandmother and my slightly less greek mother swore by cleaning makeup off with Extra Virgin Olive oil which works wonderfull and isnt rough when I have dry skin (i get eczema really bad sometimes from stress and not enough water haha) and then to wash it off with bubbling mineral water (not flavoured or anything just as bubbly as you can find) then to tone with lemon juice (but only apply it for no more than fifteen minutes) then moisturize moisturize moisturize!! It has worked wonders so far so I’m convinced it’s some ancient greek goddess magic! Hahahaha

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      I have actually heard that’s quite amazing! Do you do that every day?

  16. Leanne Barnes 6 years ago

    My skin routine has been the same for many years. Cleanse, moisturise and sunscreeen in the mornings and cleanse and moisturise at night and never ever wear makeup to bed!!!! I also have a monthly facial. Although a couple of weeks ago at my said monthly appointment they used a new machine to take pics of the under layers of my skin (I called it the UGLY camera) which told me my skin was 54!!!!!! I’m only 45. ????? Looks like I need to review my routine and up the ante so any help would be appreciated.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      Oh no! What an awful camera! I’ve considered monthly facials but I generally always get weird reactions from them. And I hate lying still for an hour. So boring!

  17. Zarika Engelbrecht 6 years ago

    An easy way to increase water intake is to use your toilet visits as a reminder to drink water…. water out – water in 😉 I go straight to the kitchen and down a glass of water before I realise how boring it really is!

    Friday night is my lazy night so I just put some Vaseline on….

    Aloe Vera Gel is my best friend – I put it on after toning; it keep break-outs at bay and skin seems to retain moisture better. My skin is definately drier when I’m not using it!

    If my skin is feeling a little dry, l’ll commit a day to coconut oiling it over the weekend. Just put it by the basin and everytime you wash your hands, it is right there!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      I love Aloe vera gel – it’s a god send in summer when I’ve had too much sun.

  18. Bronwyn Manley-Breen 6 years ago

    I have so called, problematic skin! Highly sensitive to many things! Have gone through nearly ever product brand you can name. Always diligent about skin care but you wouldn’t know it to see me?? At the moment I am having an intriguing love hate relationship with Tatcha, not,that I want to be a Geisha, with totally white face, including little bow bright red lips, far from it. It has cost me an arm and a leg to buy their suggested range for odd skin types, am still waiting to wake up with a no wrinkled, glowing physiognomy … not sure how long this procedure will take! I use cleansing Camelia Oil, lovely and soothing, I use it as first step and it does a great job of removing makeup from face and eyes, two products in one, great, Next comes a Calming Exfoliator, rice something, which, when water is added, froths up like a good shake, no grainy bits but does give my skin a nice smooth feel! Then comes a Plumping Essence, not looking fat in the face yet so, I guess with my odd skin it may take a while to iron out the creases? Last a blue (?) Calming Cream and no I don’t look like a teletubby, my skin absorbs it like it is dying for a drink of something, seems to have calmed some of the lovely red splotches I used to cover with layers of foundation! Negative, I can’t say the price, hubby might have a heart attack but no where as economical as your products! I am willing to try anything at this stage! If it is cheap and does its job, I’m in!!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      That sounds so complicated! But I love it – wish I could remember to do all the steps. I’m stoked if I remember to get eye cream on.

  19. Louise Rowlands 6 years ago

    63 and tired. I rely on good genes but it’s not happening I gave up alcohol and you could see how clear my eyes are.
    Wash face in shower.
    Always wear sunscreen
    Sometimes at night I will wash face and use a retalin cream from my Dermatologist.
    In morning slather on cream. Then a light foundation.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      The alcohol thing is super interesting because my skin has been extra great during pregnancy and I’m sure it’s because I’m not drinking. I’ve gone three months alcohol free before and it always makes my skin all plump lovely.

  20. JulesG 6 years ago

    I gently wipe excess debris with a soft damp cloth, then stuff my face with paper towel to maintain shape. After it dries naturally, I apply a cream polish and then spray with protector.

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      Gentle is one thing I struggle with – I’m like ‘Just slap it right on!’

  21. Jessica 6 years ago

    My routine is super simple but I’ve been doing it since Dolly told me to cleanse (in the shower), tone and moisturise (tinted and with SPF, bang bang bang). I’m terrible at taking my makeup off at night and in my mid 30s I’m seeing that some eye serum wouldn’t go astray so fingers are crossed for one of these packs. Oh and the best Xmas stocking pressie was a sheet mask with a tiger face printed on it, I was cutely fierce and had lovely soft skin after!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      How great are sheet masks? I try to use one every week, my skin just soaks up that goodness!

  22. Roberta 6 years ago

    I live, breathe, and worship skincare. I cleanse daily, morning and night, with two different cleansers. Then tone, essence, essence tone (go big or go home), eye cream, serum (pore minimiser in the AM, and rose galactoloytes in the PM, plus retinol every other day), and moisturiser – day and night creams of course! And sunscreen in the morning with them pearls to give me that extra glow and honey mask at night to give me that extra glow!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      How to keep track of it? I always use moisturiser because my skin feels tight if I don’t but I have to really concentrate to remember everything else!

  23. Frances 6 years ago

    I think you’re my sister from another mister, Carly. My beauty regime is super low key but I am totally fastidious about drinking water and wearing sunscreen. Being a pale red-head, nothing looks worse on me than a nasty dose of sunburn. As such, this gal won’t leave the house without slapping it on any exposed bit of skin. I love BB cream (especially ones with sunscreen!) and just put on a bit of mascara, blush & red lipstick. Eyebrow pencil has been a total GAME CHANGER. Like holy-cow-now-you-can-see-my-eyebrows game changer! I was the lucky recipient of some Korean face masks (Korean beauty products are THE SHIZ) and I do enjoy the little luxury of lying on the couch with one of those on my face. I just make sure not to do it when my housemate’s around, because that’d give her nightmares. That’s not nice. One more thing, I ALWAYS take my makeup off at night. The stains on the pillowcase are just not worth it, right? And mascara in your eyes? Ew.
    Keep up the great work x

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      I’m much more into the preventative stuff – drinking water, eating clean, exercising and sunscreen! I still occasionally leave make-up on when I go to sleep but it’s usually when I’ve been drinking… naughty! But I literally haven’t done that all year (pregnant!) and I totally feel the difference.

  24. Natalie 6 years ago

    I actually bought a dry body brush because of a post you wrote about them aaaaages ago! I love it! A couple of months ago I actually picked up the Veou Naturals night cream because my last one ran out. I didn’t have a big budget, so I thought I’d give it a try and I LOVE IT! In fact, when it ran out I went back and repurchased it, which I don’t think i’ve done before with a night cream, I just buy whatever is on special!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      Oh really? I just had to replace mine probably because I’ve had it for so long! How good is the night cream? It’s so thick and yummy!

  25. Sally 6 years ago

    My skin routine is getting waaaay more sophisticated sonce I started listening to Mamamia’s You Beauty podcast sponsored by Voue.
    I have just adulted up to using a rosehip oil as a serum and a neutrogena night cream thanks to the girls. And the fb group is amazing!!!! Get on it!

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      I’ve actually heard that’s really good! It’s on my list of things to listen to!

  26. Susie 6 years ago

    Hi. Awesome products! I’m so curious about those. I think I’ll learn more about the products and try them. I hope my renew facial skin would be better than today by VOEU. Thank you very much for your sharing. By the way, I usually wear some bleaching cream to keep my facial skin smooth and lighter. I bought it from here It works very well. I think if I apply my bleaching cream and VOEU, my skin must be strong and healthy. Moreover, My appearance also looks younger. Thank for sharing.

  27. Nice post you shared here is very informative. Keep Posting!


  1. […] whole exfoliation and moisturising she-bang but when I do, it’s so worth it. So slinky. Also, chuck on a sheet mask and do a proper at-home facial. Paint your nails. Put tea bags or cucumbers or something on your […]

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