Be your best self.

Lady’s loves and loathes…

Lady’s loves and loathes…
Carly Jacobs


Lady loves…

* Fete season. Fairy floss, White Elephant stalls, chocolate wheels… there’s nothing like a Saturday in the sunshine eating snow cones and buying vintage Vogues. 

* This Greek lady at school who keeps bringing paper wrapped sweets to class. Buttery biscuits with jam inside and wafer cylinders filled with cream. I have a diet rule that if something is from another country and I’ve never tried it  before then it’s calorie neutral. Lucky she brings something different every week…

* Spring! Floral dresses during the day and cardigans at night. It truly is the superior season. 

* My bestie coming to Melbourne to drink gin with me this weekend. 

* The free ice cream van that came to my school today. Had me a bubblegum flavoured gelato that tasted a whole lot better than it looked. 

* Beauty and the Geek. I love Peter the fungal scientist and Lisa the aspiring actress. I’m seriously addicted. Although I heard a rumour that one of the geeks isn’t really a geek. How they discovered this or measured this is beyond me but I can’t wait until the truth is uncovered! 


Lady loathes…

* Long days spent inside when the sun is shining. 

* Selection criteria. 

* Watching Sex and the City in order and realising that Carrie is a total biatch. She is selfish, emotionally unstable and has ridiculous expectations of other people. I ADORED her when I was nineteen. 

* Spilling a whole lot of sesame seeds on my carpet and being too freaking lazy to vacuum them up. It’s really shitting me.

What about you angel bum? Anything to share?

Love Lady Smaggle
