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Gluten Free Apple Berry Crumble

Gluten Free Apple Berry Crumble
Carly Jacobs


Now, before you ask, no. That’s not a picture of the apple berry crumble that I made. Reason being? My man is a fatty fatty boom batty who ate the whole damn thing before I had a chance to photograph it. I suspect it will be a dessert regular from now on, so I promise to photograph it for you next time. Before Mr Smaggle inhales it. In all fairness though, mine looked pretty similar. Except that it was in a round dish… and I didn’t nonchalantly spill blueberries around it.


1 kilo of Granny Smith Apples

50gms unsalted butter

185gms castor sugar

1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

500gms frozen berries

300gms of gluten free shortbread biscuits


1. Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees celcius. Peel apples and chop into 1cm pieces. Just FYI this takes waaaaaay longer than you can possibly imagine. Perhaps sip on a glass of red and watch an episode of Gossip Girl while you do this. Melt 20gms of butter in a medium sized saucepan and cook apples for 5 to 6 minutes or until soft.

2. Add berries (straight from the freezer – score!), cinnamon and sugar. Cover and cook for about ten minutes until fruit releases lots of juice. Using a strainer or slotted spoon transfer fruit only into a 2L pie dish.

3. Bring juice to boil and reduce until it turns into a syrup. Add more sugar if need be. Pour syrup over fruit.

4. Crush shortbread biscuits into crumbs. You can use a food processor or just mash at them with your hands. It’s very stress relieving. Sprinkle crumbs over the fruit and cook for 35 minutes until golden brown.

5. Serve warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or gourmet yogurt. If you’re a total show off like me, you can serve it with home-made vanilla bean yogurt. Snap.

Oh and obviously you can make this with wheaty shortbread, although if you’re making non-gluten free crumble just use oats. They are delicious on crumbles.

Happy crumbling!

Any questions? Tweet me or face… book… me. I will never be comfortable using ‘facebook’ as a verb.



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