Be your best self.

Double Up – Daily Style

Double Up – Daily Style
Carly Jacobs

What lucky little chickens you are! Double the daily style! This is what happens when I actually go out at night instead of wearing my delightfully saggy trackies around the house. Last night Mr Smaggle and I went to the most decadent restaurant and had a mouth watering banquet to celebrate our 2 year anniversary. I’m not overly interested in food – I generally just eat when I am hungry and I usually don’t notice if food is good or bad. It’s just food. However this food WAS SO GOOD that I actually noticed. So well done to the chefs. Oh and we were standing out the front and Margaret and David from the movie show walked into the restaurant in front of us! And then Kerry Armstrong and the boys from The Chaser! Sorry to all my non-Aussie readers but the people I just mentioned are some pretty famous (and awesome) Australians and being the fame whore that I am it was a pretty spesh moment…

* Dress from Ebay

* Suede scarf (worn as belt) from Unit Concepts

* Suede heels from Shoe Biz

* Clutch bag gift from my lovely friend Gina

* Earrings from vintage store in Bungendore

And then this morning Mr Smaggle and I went on a ride in a hot air balloon! I bought him a double voucher for his birthday last year and we finally went this morning. We got up at 5.30 (I am so fuzzy with tiredness right now) and it was dark and chilly. We got to help set up the balloon though and that was fun. It wasn’t scary at all, it was actually quite peaceful and really quiet. It would have been majorly romantic without the other 15 people but nonetheless it was an amazing experience and one I think everyone should try. Even if you’re afraid of heights. The guy who was flying the balloon said that in 17 years he only had to execute an emergency landing once to let someone out who was panicking too much. That bitch must have been hyperventilating like a mofo…

* Skirt from Tree of Life

* Top (under jacket) thrifted from Brain Injury foundation

* Black flats from a play I performed in

* Leather jacket from Target

* Scarf from Tree of Life

* Hat from FCUK

* Bag from Felt

Here is a picture of me helping to pack up the balloon at the end of the flight. I combat rolled down the entire length of the deflated balloon to get all the air bubbles out. It’s such a strange and kooky thing to be able to say that I have done!

What have you done that’s kooky and weird and that probably not too many other people have done? I have been to a wedding where I had previously kissed both the bride and the groom (acting opposite each of them in different plays but still it was pretty weird), I have dated five boys called Ben and I also met Guy Pearce in Paris.

Come on spill the beans! What wacky things have you been keeping from me?  

Love Lady Smaggle



  1. Ali 16 years ago

    heh, I went to the sydney observatory to take some photos for a design project last year and the guy working there invited me up into the telescope dome to look at jupiter (what a line, eh?) and so up I went and I saw jupiter! then I help him close up the telescope dome using this huge ancient brass wheel. very unusual but fun!
    oh, and my boyfriend is the third James I’ve been out with! hehe.

  2. Lady Smaggle 16 years ago

    Ali – Oh that’s a good one!I think most girls are seriel name daters I just took it to the extreme a little. 🙂

    Selina – It really wasn’t scary at all! It was all soft and peaceful. The scariest part is waiting for it lift off – all the anticipation!

    Matt and Ged – Ha ha! We went to Chairman and Yip. It was awesome! No ring… not for at least another 10 years. We’re still little babies!

  3. selina 16 years ago

    wow what a cool photo! pretty dress too!
    omg i would be sooo scared in a hot air balloon!
    uuuum i can’t think of anything weird off hand! eeerm today i went to a psychic? uuum when i went to a festival last year the guy camping next to us turned out to live on my road?!

  4. Matt & Ged 16 years ago

    So Where did you have the Food ….. 2 years ?…. Where’s the RING !!!!!!

    love ged and matt x x x

  5. Azza 16 years ago

    That escalator shot is HOT!!!! You’re looking smoking at the moment lady smaggle

  6. Lady Smaggle 16 years ago

    Azza – Aw shucks Azza! Just be careful with comments like that though. I certain tall blonde man took that photo and he knows where you live… 🙂

  7. Lady Smaggle 16 years ago

    Gervy – Oh wow! That’s so cool! I’m a total goob in front of celebrities. I really shouldn’t be let out in public. And do tell me more about the Melbourne hot pants incident… Modelling? And did you get to keep the wedges?

  8. Gervy 16 years ago

    You look lovely in both shots. However I especially love your ballooning outfit, you look like an old-fashioned pilgrim or something, but in a totally gorgeous way!

    We went ballooning over Alice Springs several years ago. It was a wonderful experience, so peaceful and the views were beautiful.

    Re wacky stuff… I’ve been running with Josh Hartnett (
    And walked onto the Melbourne Concert Hall stage by myself wearing hotpants, a sheer shirt, and Charles Jourdan black patent leather wedge heels, with an audience of 2000 people.

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