I have to admit that although I love fashion I am not much of a runway girl. I get all confused with the similar outfits in different colours and once I have trawled through ten pages on Style.com I freak out have to leave. My new philosophy is just to check designers that I love and report on what I find necessary. Which brings me to Chanel. It is the most iconic and well known fashion house in the world and I find that it’s mandatory that I check out their shows. More out of politeness than actual interest though. I love Chanel but I think I love the status more than the actual designs. However my opinion of Chanel has elevated after the release of their 2008 Ready to Wear collection when I found myself getting all jittery over the accessories.
Coolest idea EVER! A wee little bum bag (or fanny pack if any Americans read my site) for your ankle! I positively LOATHE carrying a bag when I go dancing and as my breasts are quite modest in size and there is not enough bra down my top to hold all the essentials. You could fit your cash, credit card, tiny mobile phone and your lipstick. Then you’re free to bust out the most Napoleon Dynamite of dance moves with out the weight of a massive handbag! Unfortunately Chanel is waaaaay out of the budget (sadly even fakes are out of the budget at the moment) so I am on the search for materials to make my own.
Heaps of thin chains with silvery dangle bits (yes that’s correct term for this necklace okay?) and that gorgeous little bow bracelet. I like that the necklace is worn as if it’s part of the shirt.
Um… and here is the little ankle bag again. Only this time it’s red. I just really really like it.
Symmetrical accessories. God bless you Chanel. I have been advocating symmetrical jewellery for years. Diana Vreeland often wore 2 black Chanel lacquered bracelets one on each wrist although in this photo I believe she is wearing Kenneth Jay Lane (Diana wearing Kenneth – Divine). This one is for my friend (who I adore, she knows who she is) who thought it was ‘Utterly ridiculous!’ of me to wear two of the same chunky pink plastic ring, one on each hand. Well my darling I am afraid that Chanel disagrees with you…
oh, wow… those ankle bags immeadiately made me think of both house arrest anklet things and those blood-alcohol monitors that people like Lindsey Lohan have to wear…
They do too! Perhaps that’s what they were designed for? 🙂
Anorexia. Go eat a hamburger.