Be your best self.

5 Tips To Help You Keep Your Hands Out of The Office Lolly Jar

5 Tips To Help You Keep Your Hands Out of The Office Lolly Jar
Carly Jacobs


Welcome to Day 2 of the 20 Days of No Bullshit Health and Fitness. I asked my readers about a week ago, what their biggest issue with health and fitness was and there were lots of responses that asked about tactics on how to avoid the office lolly jar at 3pm. I hear you girlfriends… and boyfriends. I have a few little tips that have done me good through out my life so I thought I’d pass them on to you. Here’s a few things you can do to keep your grubby mits from stuffing handfuls of sugary treats in your gob every afternoon. 

5 Tips To Help You Keep Your Hands Out of The Lolly Jar

1. Be Vocal About How Bad The Lolly Jar Is

Don’t apologise about not wanting to gorge yourself on sugar every afternoon. I used to work in an office where we welcomed new adult education students every few days and there was always left over biscuits, chips, lollies, cheese and cake literally on the table where we all ate lunch. I used to loudly move the offending food to a side table saying that it was a health hazard having unhealthy foods right on the lunch table every second day. For those that wanted to eat the treats, they could stand up and get them. I also used to make sure that all the leftover food was thrown away or given away at the end of every day. The other ladies in the office got to the point that they wouldn’t even offer me a chocolate from a gift box because I always said no. Don’t be afraid to be the food police. If I said yes to every tasty morsel I was ever offered in the workplace I’d be the size of a house. Own your health and tell people to back off with their junk food bullying.

2. Provide an Alternative

Perhaps you could start a healthy snack club and take turns providing afternoon alternatives like almonds, carrots and hommus, peanut butter and celery or small packets of dried fruit?  Most people turn to the lolly jar when they’re hungry and tired and the only thing that will cure those ailments is rest and sustenance. When it hits 3pm, take a little break, make yourself a cup of tea, drink plenty of water and have a healthy snack. It’s not actually the 3pm slump that’s the enemy it’s the lack of self-preservation leading to the 3pm slump that’s the enemy. Spend the day preparing for the inevitable with regular breaks and hydration and have an alternative snack ready. Simple.

3. Suggest a Lolly Jar Day of The Week

An old work colleague and I used to celebrate Funky Junky Friday. All week we’d carefully avoid the left over chocolate biscuits and cheese in the lunch room and then on Fridays we’d walk to the shops together and buy a small chocolate treat to share. By nominating a day and creating a cheerful little title for it created a positive atmosphere of not being able to eat junk on any day other than Funky Junky Friday.

4. Just Don’t Touch The Damn Lolly Jar

I love lollies as much as anyone and I have a lot of trouble resisting a 3pm sugar hit but when it boils down to it, I do harbour the physical ability to stop my hand from shoving junk in my gob, no matter how much I try to convince myself that it’s out of my control. It’s all about preparation, focus and concentration. If you’ve eaten a decent lunch, had a healthy and satisfying snack and are fully hydrated then 9 times out of 10 you won’t even be thinking about eating treats. Just don’t let your hand go near the jar. Just don’t do it. 

5. Get An Avoidance Buddy

If you have a work colleague who is also health conscious, join forces to resist the jar together and keep each other on track. It’s much easier to resist if you have a friend who is holding your hand. Perhaps have a rule whereby if one of you succumbs to the lolly jar and eats a few stale jelly beans then they don’t get to have the fancy Funky Junky Friday treat. It’s much easier to be strong if someone is being strong with you. 

Do you have 3pm slump issues that quickly turn into serious love sessions with bags of jelly snakes? How do you stop the afternoon gorge fest?

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  1. Nicole 11 years ago

    I work from home so I thankfully don’t have to even see an office lolly jar. If we don’t bring it in the house, I barely think about the stuff. It’s only when it’s sitting right there, staring me in the face that I usually convince myself I can’t live without it. Definitely an out of sight out of mind thing for me, so I have sympathy for those that don’t control whether it’s sitting in front of them or not.

    I definitely relate to the “junk food bullying” in this article the most. Whether it be from fellow employees (when I did work in an office) waving pizza an inch away from my face, merrily singing “you know you want it” while I’m trying to get work done. Or friends who, I guess didn’t feel comfortable with my restraint when we would go out to dinner and convince me I needed to eat more food and should really be allowing myself to eat as much chocolate as I wanted each day. It’s lead to me being quite secretive when it comes to what I eat and how much I eat. People are just too opinionated to not tell you where you’re “going wrong”.

  2. Miriam 11 years ago

    Since my ‘office’ is my shop that I work alone in all day long, and directly opposite me is a lolly shop, I have told the owner that under no circumstances should she sell me any of the delightful treats. Then we both started calorie counting using My Fitness Pal. As for the 4 o’clock munchies I get every day…..I have a protein shake at around 3:30pm and it gets me through until dinner. I think I find the hardest days are when I’m home and running around with kids and my routine is disrupted.

  3. Steph 11 years ago

    At my old workplace we used to celebrate everyone’s birthday with cake and a morning tea. It was sometimes quite ridiculous with 2 or 3 morning teas in a week and then none for ages. In the end we decided that there was just cake on a person’s birthday (and 1 cake between a whole staff isn’t that bad really) and once a month we had a morning tea to celebrate all the birthdays for that month. There was also always a few people in charge of providing a healthy contribution to the feast. The unexpected upside was that less frequent morning teas meant that everyone put in more effort and the food was always outstanding!

  4. Steph 11 years ago

    Oh, and we also had a whole staff lolly jar. Each week a team received it and at the end of the week they refilled it and awarded it to another team for some act of awesomeness throughout the week. It meant you got to eat Lillie’s but only every now and then when you won the privilege!

  5. Steph 11 years ago

    *lollies*. Stupid autocorrect.

  6. 11 years ago

    We have the office bickie jar.

    I find I am less likely to snack if I have had a good sleep, good brekky, good lunch and an apple for morning tea. I try eat meals rather than snacks.

    The 3pm slump might be about fatigue rather than hunger – important to think what it is. If I am fatigued I head outside if I can and the weather is nice.

    I have a coffee or a sugarfree red bull (my PT has told me off about those!) Perhaps I should replace with some green tea?

    Also, I make a deal with myself that I can have a treat, but only if it is a homemade thing. Less trans fats.

  7. Cecylia Kee 11 years ago

    this is gold Carly!! Love the Chocolate lab picture 😀 Lol I must admit, I eat EVERY morsel of office junk food there is. I’m saving my nurses from them ;D

  8. Tahlia Meredith 11 years ago

    Funky Junky Friday – love it! (And much better than mine – Fat Friday, or Thunderthighs Thursday :p) Definitely makes it a treat rather than something to feel bad about.

  9. Bec 11 years ago

    During uni I worked as a receptionist at a big company and all day people with a satanic gleam in their eye would come and demand to know when I was next refilling the biscuit jar… Their desperation really put me off eating any myself.
    I say that as I snack on BBQ Shapes left over from yesterday’s Cup Day lunch..

  10. Wendy 11 years ago

    Hey thanks for these tips – They are great!

  11. Sunny 11 years ago

    slightly relatedly, did you know that in sweden they have a thing where kids are only allowed lollies/junk food on saturdays? TOTAL GENIUS HUH! (i’m an aussie currently living in sweden and this did blow my mind a bit)

  12. JessB 11 years ago

    I am one of the people who brings sweet treats to work a fair bit, but I really try to respect the people I work with who refuse them. Luckily, I work with really great people, so once I get a sense that people have a habit of saying no, or when they are open about avoiding certain kinds of food, or even about wanting to lose weight, then I won’t offer it to them – although of course it’s still available if they DO want some!

    For me, I try and balance it all out. If I do want something sweet in the afternoon, I make myself eat my apple first. If I don’t want the apple, then I must not be hungry!

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