Be your best self.

Style Criticism

Style Criticism
Carly Jacobs

I found this picture of the beautiful Chloe Sevigny on Fashion Verbatim this morning. He was not a fan of her dress. He said that ‘The shape is dated and, yes, that’s painful to say about a Sevigny ensemble’. This is what I love about style. I think she looks AWESOME! And I think that dress is one of the most gorgeous things I have ever seen. But it really doesn’t tickle Verbatim’s pickle. Don’t you think that style and fashion would be so tedious if everyone agreed that the same things were beautiful? I adore the way Verbatim gives his criticism in such a gentlemanly way, it really impresses me. I absolutely loathe people who speak nastiness about the attire of others. Unless the outfit is tasteless or inappropriately revealing there is no room for scathing comments in the style world. It’s all a matter of personal opinion. If you don’t like fluoro colours don’t be a wench when you see someone wearing hot pink. If you have something to say make it along the lines of ‘That top is fantastic. Fluoro isn’t really my thing but it looks great on you’. I think people who dress courageously should expect to get feedback and should be prepared to accept both positive and negative criticism. And the people giving the criticism have to realise that for some people style is an art form and therefore an expression of themselves. If you love the outfit shout it to the world, if you hate it think of a thoughtful and ladylike way to communicate that or just keep your Judgey McJudgerson mouth shout. What does everyone else think of Chloe’s dress? Lets all practice being lovely shall we?