Be your best self.

Pearls and a scarf – Daily Style

Pearls and a scarf – Daily Style
Carly Jacobs

I’m a teeny tiny bit annoyed with myself today. I was supposed to go to a spin class at lunch time but I decided not to go and ate a lot of crackers instead. This afternoon I’m off shopping for hair product (preferably a magic serum that will stop me looking like a downy baby duck) and boring basics like plain cotton t-shirts and underwear. Then Mr Smaggle and I off to see The Dark Knight Batman movie! Hell yeah!

* Tights from Target

* Boots from Payless

* Dress from Ebay

* Cardigan from Stock Jeans

* Scarf from Sportsgirl

* Pearls stolen from Mama Smaggle

Love Lady Smaggle



  1. Ivy 16 years ago

    I love this, it’s like Madonna meets Alannah Hill meets Smaggle.

    OooO! You’ve just reminded me! I want some pearls to wear as an anklet.

    I also want your boots.

  2. Lil 16 years ago

    Oh, spin classes. One day. I can barely cope with pilates at the moment – I think spin is something I am going to have to work up to!

  3. Lady Grey 16 years ago

    those booties look cuper soft!

  4. Grant 16 years ago

    Feeling the Alannah Hill vibe in a big way, and loving the pearls. Pearls are so classy. Every girl should be given pearls by a nice boy. And me too; I’d like that.

    Thanks for commenting on my blog Lady Smaggle, it brightened up my afternoon 🙂

  5. Jen 16 years ago

    Can I ask how do you do your hair? What products do you use? While you may think you have a “downy baby duck” thing going on, I think I have similar type hair/cut to you and mine looks less ducky and more like a bird was unsuccessfully trying to make a nest. Any tips?

  6. Lady Smaggle 16 years ago

    Ivy – These are so comfy! They make me look a little stumpy though.

    Lil – It’s awesome. I swear you actually lose weight during the class.

    Lady Grey – They are! I love them.

    Grant – I’m a pearl girl. They are quite the staple for me. Nor worries love I love reading another Canberra blog!

    Jen – Oh sure! I’ll do a post about it for you soon. I’ve recieved a few emails too so I’ll do a nice big detailed one!

    The Clothes Horse – I’ll do one in my daily outfit post! The movie was great I really loved it.

    Nicole – Did you like the movie?

    E – I feel like that make an outfit more Lady Smaggle-esqe you know? I just identify with pearls a lot.

    Sal – I love my lace!

    YB – 🙂

    WendyB – Oh it is rather isn’t it?

    Coco – Excellent!

    Fashionistadiary – I didn’t skip today so that makes me feel better!

  7. The Clothes Horse 16 years ago

    I like your tights and all the textures in this look. You should give us a review of the movie!

  8. Nicole 16 years ago


    I’m just a weee bit excited. PS-I like your tights!

  9. E 16 years ago

    Love all the textures going on.
    Pearls do add that nostalgic something to a frock.

  10. Sal 16 years ago

    Sassy see-through dress. Love it.

  11. yb 16 years ago

    smaggle-luv is adorable!

  12. WendyB 16 years ago

    Very Rodarte!

  13. coco 16 years ago

    This look reminds me of Prada!

  14. fashionistadiary 16 years ago

    very madonna-esque! really cute outfit! dont worry about missing one day of going to the gym.. happens to me all the time! x

  15. Lady Smaggle 16 years ago

    Nadist – I am the queen of pearls!

  16. Nadist 16 years ago

    I’m a total sucker for pearls – love ’em! Also I absolutely love the juxtaposition of your dark curls/light skin with light scarf fringe/dark dress. (I also kinda like the word ‘juxtaposition’ . . .)

  17. Hannah Cheeto 16 years ago

    Ahh your outfit is amazing! The tights, the scarf with the classic black dress/cardigan/pearls…

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