Be your best self.

Long Black Skirt – Daily Style

Long Black Skirt – Daily Style
Carly Jacobs

Today was quiet in my little office because Browny is away. And it really sucks – I feel like I have been in solitary confinement all day. I went over to my friend Ted’s office to get her to take my photo and we had a little chat about our bridesmaids dresses. Oh yeah I totally forgot to tell you – I get to be a bridesmaid in November! For two of my most favourite people in the whole world who are getting married! And the bridal party is made up of my best mates! I can’t express my excitement through exclamation points but I am sure you’re getting the jist of it!!! This afternoon I am going to my fitness assessment and then I am having coffee with my lovely friend Sally. Tonight I’m cooking a lovely tofu stirfry that I invented for Mr Smaggle and we’ll drink tea and watch Grey’s Anatomy…

* Black skirt from Tree of Life

* Black singlet from Cowboys and Angels

* Black top from Target

* Black wrap top from SES

* Brown flats from Payless

* Black opaques from Myer

* Belt from BCBG

* Ring from Dinosaur Designs

* Scarf from Sportsgirl

* Black headband from Diva

* Green resin necklace (under scarf) Smaggle Made

Love Lady Smaggle




  1. Lady Smaggle 16 years ago

    Mrs Munk – Yes you do know who it is! 🙂 I’m really excited about it can you tell?!!!!

  2. Mrs Munk 16 years ago

    i think i know whos wedding that is! I am so totally crashing the ceremony now so I can see you in a bridesmaid frock!


  1. Pretty Clicky Things… | Smaggle Style 16 years ago

    […] it’s association with these so called ‘hipsters’. I’m wearing it here, here and here. Oh and here I am wearing it in a parody of a ‘famous’ girl. So I guess I kind […]

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