Be your best self.

Daily Style – Weekend bliss

Daily Style – Weekend bliss
Carly Jacobs

This weekend was utterly blissful. Highlights include a trip to the farmers markets, the most decadent afternoon sleep I’ve ever experienced, yum cha for Mamma Smaggle’s birthday and a Mario Kart tournament with my man. Sigh! 

* Dress thrifted in New Zealand

* Obi belt from DFO in Melbourne

* Necklace gift from Mr Smaggle

* Scrunchy tights from Itrip Iskip

* Sunglasses Le Specs from Itrip Iskip (I bought these yesterday and they are rocking my world)

* Shoes Doc Martens from DFO Melbourne

How was your weekend poppet pie?

Love Lady Smaggle




  1. LOVE the belt Lady S! I love bright touches on black outfits.

    My weekend was blahh. I finished making my friend’s formal dress. Fingers crossed she likes it.


  2. Looking fierce, Lady!

  3. Nadist 15 years ago

    Oooh you look tough and gorgeous! Love the tights and shoes.

  4. Grant 15 years ago

    OMFG! Sorry to be a creep but I love those appartments! I have aspired to live there for years. *whistful sigh*

    My weekend was pretty average – but I am going to make up for it by winning the arm-warmer challenge as soon as Etsy is back up and working!


  5. Lady smaggle 15 years ago

    Angela – thanks love! And I meant to tell you ages ago how lame those douche bags were ok your blog. Makes me so angry!

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