Be your best self.

Daily Style – Chucked a sicky

Daily Style – Chucked a sicky
Carly Jacobs


I was feeling under the weather today so I chucked a sicky from school. I’ve been going mad not being able to exercise because I can’t breathe through my nose so I went to a Body Balance class. It was perfect. Then I did some designing for my exhibition at the end of the year. I made the mistake of visiting the mega mall up the road that consists of three giant stores – Bunnings, Storage World and Office Works. I just really love tools, boxes and stationary and emptying my bank account buying those things.

* Shorts from Country Road
* Top thrifted in Canberra
* Shoes from Nine West (my first pair of these snapped clean in half and I’ve been waiting for the replacement for weeks. Mr Smaggle brought them from Canberra on the weekend. Thank god. I can’t live without them.)
* Coin necklace from Poppy Smaggle
* Wheelie Bin Necklace from Roomy Smaggle
* Men’s watch from Fossil

Oh and just to let you guys know my internet connection in Melbourne is questionable and it usually lasts just long enough for me to write a post, visit my favourite blogs and write a few emails which is why I’m being slack on replying to comments. Rest assured I do read every one and love you for it!

Love Lady Smaggle



  1. Nadist 14 years ago

    Oooh, I’d love to see all the goodies you bought . .

  2. Sarj 14 years ago

    Aren’t those heels the greatest!! I bought the exact same pair not long ago ( and am completely in love and wear them at every opportunity. Fingers crossed mine don’t snap like your first pair.

  3. Kate 14 years ago

    oh, you do look cranky! Hope your felling better Lady – shoes will often fix the crankies….

  4. Eva 14 years ago

    Awww honeycakes!! Hope you’re feeling better VERY soon! Even when cranky, you’re still gorgeous!

  5. WendyB 14 years ago

    Even if you’re not feeling good, you sure look good!


  1. […] Bin Necklace. Seen here. Here. And […]

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