Be your best self.

Cropped Jacket – Daily Style

Cropped Jacket – Daily Style
Carly Jacobs

I’m back at work today after a week off so it’s been rather hectic around here. This afternoon I’m off to the gym and then it’s home to organise invitations for the hen’s night of the charming lass that I’m bridesmaid for later this year. I’m starting to get really excited about it!

* Dress from Ebay

* Cropped jacket from DFO in Melbourne

* Vivienne Westwood for Melissa mary janes

* Metal rope necklace from Mr Smaggle

* Gold and silver ring from Mr Smaggle from Dubai

It’s really weird, because I’m not a terribly sentimental kind of girl, but for some reason whenever Mr Smaggle goes overseas I always wear jewellery that he has given me while he is away. I guess instead of crying myself to sleep in the foetal position I express the fact that I miss him in a way more materialistic way. How very Smaggle of me…

Oh for those of you who are interested my nails are painted in coral colour today. It’s terribly spring like!

Love Lady Smaggle



  1. Nadist 16 years ago

    That necklace is awesome, and your hair is looking extra-specially excellent.

  2. Grant 16 years ago


    Ok, so the above is supposed to represent my jaw hanging from its hinges. You look so stunning in this ensemble. It’s marvelous my dear, truly marvelous.


  3. Lady Smaggle 16 years ago

    Nadist – Oh thanks! This necklace pulls the crap out of my hair all day but I love it!

    Grant – Um… thank you… but what the hell are you doing? Aren’t you supposed to shopping your little but off on Brunswick street right now?

  4. Sal 16 years ago

    I covet that necklace. Mr. Smaggle has fantastic taste!

    Say, any chance I could hop on your blogroll, my lady? I’m an avid reader and fairly frequent commenter, and you’ve been in my blogroll for ages, for what it’s worth …

  5. Nadine 16 years ago

    I love love love your hair… and the shoes look really nice, too!

  6. Lady Smaggle 16 years ago

    Sal – He sure does! I would love to put you on my blog roll! I’m updating the site super soon (I know I keep saying that but I actually am) and I’m re-doing my whole blog roll and I’ll pop you on there then!

    Nadine – Thanks!


  1. Do our emotions affect the way we dress? | Smaggle Style 16 years ago

    […] was saying a few days agothat whenever Mr Smaggle is away I always wear jewellery that he has given me. I assure you that it […]

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