Very Excellent Habits

Zara in Australia

After months of lusting after  gorgeous dresses and shoes belonging to Sytle Bytes I am delighted to tell you that the source of all her powers, European fashion chain Zara, will hopefully be in Australia soon. According to The Australian (7th September) Soloman Lew (big arse business tycoon) owns the rights to opening the store in Australia. It looks like Bondi Junction will be the choice location for the lucky beach beauties who live in the area. In  case you don’t already know the appeal of Zara is the fact that their clothing lines are overturned every three weeks meaning the cruddy crap that no likes gets ditched in favour of stuff that is selling like hotcakes. Prices are a fraction higher than your average Sportsgirl but you will come away looking like an individual. And here is the part I love – by the time you’re wearing your gorgeous loose-fitting yet flattering  matte black leather mini-dress it’s too late for anyone else to go in and buy it because it won’t be for sale anymore! Oh Zara, I eagerly await your arrival at our fair shores…

Click the link to see Zara collections from Spring 07.

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