Very Excellent Habits

Why Don’t You…?

Go for an evening swim? Outdoors if it’s warm? Indoors if it’s chilly? Float around with a friend and relax in the sauna afterwards?

Order a fancy tea instead of your usual coffee? Russian caravan? Infused chai? Raspberry vanilla?

Try your hardest to eat four ginormous serves of vegetables today?

Offer to brush someones hair?

Get really, really excited about something really, really small? Like eating an ice cream? Or seeing a friend? Just like when you were a kid?

Run as fast as you can for no reason?

Pick a signature nail polish colour for the season and wear it until March? Peach? Coral? Burgundy? Ink?

Wear five of your necklaces at the same time? And not give a toss if they don’t match?

Take a mental health day from work? See a movie by yourself? Have your favourite treat? Be delighted that you don’t have to share it?

Do your extra special Saturday night party make-up and hair routine on a Wednesday? During the day?

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