Very Excellent Habits

Windy Day – Daily Style

Today was a crazy busy day again as usual. This afternoon I’m off to have coffee with my lovely friend (might squeeze in a little shopping first) and then I’m going to bed early tonight. Seriously. If I don’t I may well die.  

* Opaques from Myer

* Shoes from Gertrude St in Melbourne

* Dress from Brand Depo

* Cardigan from Giovanni

* Belt thrifted

* Hair clip from Sportsgirl

* Head band from Diva

* Necklace from Robin’s Jewellery Box

I learnt something really interesting today. You know how when people get really, really scared they…um…defecate themselves? Ever wondered why that happens? Well apparently it’s based on an actual animalistic in-built panic response that we humans have. Millions of years ago if human beings were being threatened by a dinosaur, the main threat was that we were going to be eaten. The body’s mechanical response is to make itself as unappealing as quickly as possible to deter the hungry predator who, if all goes according to plan, will now be turned off their dirty victim. So there you have it. That’s why we shit ourselves when we are scared. Aren’t you glad I share these things with you?

Love Lady Smaggle



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