Why don’t you…
* Take photos everyday? Of you and your housemate eating cereal in your pajamas? Of your boyfriend cooking you dinner? Of you and girlfriends drinking tea and watching Sex and The City? Have photographic evidence of your everyday pleasure?
* Burn fragrant oil in your house? Rose? Strawberry? Frangipani? Let your house smell like a florist?
* Start everyday with a list? Write things like ‘Drink two cups of chamomile tea’? And ‘Rub yummy lotion into your hands after lunch’? Or ‘Text one of your friends to say that you love them’?
* Buy yourself expensive mineral water like lemon Perrier and take it to parties instead of wine? Be sober in style?
* Plant your own herbs? Have a delicious collection of mis-matched jars with bunches of green leaves growing in them? Basil? Mint? Lemongrass?
* Wear a brooch?
* Get up early and do a yoga class? Pretend to be a zen and centered person until the behavior becomes a habit?
* Play music in the kitchen in the morning? Rock out while you make your toast? Sing a love ballad as you cut up your salad for lunch?
* Go to bed early? Turn off the television and your laptop and read a book? Flick through fashion magazines? Leaf through those beautiful photography books you have collecting dust on a shelf?
Love Lady Smaggle