Very Excellent Habits

Why don’t you…?



Why don’t you…

* Make little pom-pom shoe clips to jazz up your favourite heels? Clip them to the toes? The heels? The ankle straps? Just wear one? Or both but in different places?

* Drink green tea all day? From a dainty cup and saucer?

* Ditch all packaging in your kitchen? Replace unsighlty boxes and bags with mis-matched glass jars? For cereal? Rice? Lentils? Re-use condiment jars and bottles and have a pantry fit for a potion maker?

* Lie on the floor all afternoon and read an entire book?

* Get a make-over? Have a gorgeous beautician give you a brand new look? Try something new? Start wearing blush? Consider smoky eyeshadow? Bronzer? Berry hued lipstick?

* Stop thinking of cooking as a burden? Start making healthy and delicious dinners? Lentil curries? Herbed lamb skewers? Spicy vegetable noodles? Pop on an apron and pretend you’re Nigella Lawson?

* Eat only organic dark chocolate?

* Move your body? Take an adult ballet class? Pilates? Ballroom dancing? Be elegant?

Love Lady Smaggle


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