Very Excellent Habits

Why don’t you…?



* Go wild on pay day. Just this once spend ALL your money on prettiness? Go to your favourite shop and buy everything your heart desires? Buy an entire outfit? Including shoes? Underwear? Perfume?

* Host an evening of only entrees? Invite your dearest ladies to drink champagne and nibble on tiny morsels with no promise of a main course? Perhaps choose a theme of Asian cuisine? Duck with peking sauce wrapped in lettuce leaves? Tiny boxes of Vietnamese noodles? Sashimi? Rice paper rolls?

* Wear high heels EVERYWHERE for one full week? Tuck a pair of ballet flats in your bag for emergencies?

* Pack your lunch everyday? Chickpea and eggplant salad? Roasted sweet potato with sesame seeds and rosemary? A rosy red apple for your snack? A tiny package of nuts and dried cranberries?

* Hi-jack your workmates diary? Leave them cheery little notes on random dates? Scatter the pages with butterfly stickers?

* Rent a movie that you know NOTHING about? Head to the thriller section and pick out one based purely on the title? Watch it on a Saturday night in eating peppermint chocolates and drinking red wine?

* Be divine? Drink a glass sauvignon blanc with your lunch?

* Embrace the beautiful weather? Don’t leave the house without a fresh blossom tucked in your hair?

Be gorgeous!

Love Lady Smaggle


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