Very Excellent Habits

Why Don’t You…?


Eat French style? Never eat in the car? Or on the run? Always eat sitting down? With your food on a plate?

Have a grown up sleepover? Pack a gorgeous overnight bag and spend the evening at a girlfriend’s house? Wear your pyjamas? Give each other facials?

Write yourself a message in a bottle? Send it out to sea? Let go of something that has been bothering you and send it on its way?

Sign cards with a fingerprint?

Eat foods on sticks? Ice blocks? Fairy floss? Lollipops?

Let your feet touch the ground? Stand in sand? Walk on grass? Splash in a river?

Have a personal talismen? Like feathers? Peacocks? Lillies?

Collect funky business cards? Try to cover an entire wall in your home with them?

Have your fortune read? For a laugh?

Do like the Spanish and take a refreshing afternoon nap?

Paint your fingernails the same colour as your toenails?

To keep up to date with all my Why Don’t You…? posts, be sure to follow me on twitter and like me on facebook.



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