Very Excellent Habits

Why don’t you…?


Why don’t you…?

* Stick ten chopsticks into a messy up-do? Spend the day walking around like a fabulous spikey pineapple?

* Wear purple leg-warmers when you work out? A sparkly head band? Pink laces in your sneakers? Rock the gym looking like Little Richard threw up on you?

* Gel your hair into a funky mohawk while cleaning the house? Or a beehive? Perhaps a quiff? With a fifties housewife headscarf?

* Wear your man’s business shirt? French cuffs with chunky cufflinks? Skinny jeans? Killer heels?

* Carry a basket to do your shopping? Fill it with French bread sticks and fresh flowers?

* Tie satin bows around your ankles? Dress up a pair of plain heels?

* Embrace the trend of the wide belt and wear three at once? Stacked side by side?

* Paint your nails a deep plum for winter? Wear fingerless satin gloves? And cocktail rings on every finger?


Sorry for the lack of outfit posts this week but I’ve been going to the gym in the afternoon before I have a chance to take my photo. But I’ve been looking super cute. I swear!

Love Lady Smaggle


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