Very Excellent Habits

Who’s Your Idol?


o you may or may not be aware but last week I tweeted Dr Karl and he tweeted me back.

I legit nearly passed out. Obviously I called back. Then when I did this happened.


Dr Karl said he loved me. I can die happy now.

I’ve been listening to Dr Karl for a few years now and I will do pretty much anything that man tells me to do. Same with Oprah. If she’s like ‘Hey girl it’s all about wearing Lycra g-string leotards and drinking parsnip milk this month!‘ I’d be like ‘Okay Oprah – I LOVE YOU AND WHERE’S MY FREE CAR???’.

Anyway back to Dr Karl. I heard a podcast from him recently where he talks about solar power and photovoltaics in domestic homes. Basically he’s hooked up his whole house to be a power machine and now he actually contributes energy to the communal grid. How cool is that? I’m actually a bit of a science and environmental nerd at heart and I’ve partnered up with Origin this week to talk shit about solar trends. It’s probably the most intelligent thing I’ve ever written. For reals.

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So tell me… do you have an idol? Someone who you always listen to? Is it Oprah? It’s Oprah isn’t it?


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P.S Also you should totally follow Smaggle on Facebook or sign up for the Smaggle weekly newsletter because there’s usually Beyonce in those places.

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