Very Excellent Habits

What’s Your Mug Selection Criteria?

Over the weekend my mate Nikki posted a picture on Facebook of her favourite mugs from Anthropologie.

Obviously, they’re gorgeous but the first thing I noticed was how tiny the handles are. In my household, that just simply would not do. And I told her as such…

And yes there bloody well is a blog post in that! Because everyone is very fussy about what kind of mug or cup they drink their tea from. Here’s my Hot Beverage Vessel Selection Criteria.

1. Must be big. I like a bucket of tea thank you very much.

2. Must have big handles. I need to go full fist on my mugs.

3. The rim cannot be too thin. It doesn’t have to be like a plank of wood in my mouth but bone china freaks me out.

4. I lean towards white mugs with some kind of minimal or meaningful design on it.

5. I hate textured, grainy, sandy or rough mugs. Not okay.

Here are a few example of Good Smaggle Mugs… if they applied for the job, they’d definitely get an interview.

Moustache Mug $16

Tea Lover Mug $16

Dwight Mug $16

Boss Mug $16

John Snow Mug $14

Beemo Mug $16

You’re Really Pretty Mug $16

Leslie Knope Mug $16

Tina Mug $14

Here is one of my actual favourite mugs. It’s from Bison – I have a set of four and they are just about as perfect as mugs get. I have a few others but these fit my selection criteria so perfectly, it’s rather difficult to waste my time on anything else.

 A very fist-able mug if I do say so myself. 

So tell me… what’s your mug selection criteria? Big? Small? Thin? With a saucer? Is anyone else as obsessed with fist-sized handles as me?

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