Very Excellent Habits

What’s Your Child Beauty Pageant Name?


was in a really boring meeting a few weeks ago so I set my face to Yes Very Interesting Mode and then blissfully let my mind wander and for some reason it went to Honey Boo Boo where she’s talking about her Uncle Poodle and she goes ‘It’s okay to be gay. Everybody’s a little gay!’. Then I thought that Honey Boo Boo seems like quite a rad little kid and if I was an 8 year old living in Georgia, I’d totally hang out at her house after school. I’d try on her tiaras and drink a metric fuck tonne of sugar. Then I decided my name would be Tootie Lexis Bon Bon and then this happened.

Seriously this meeting was BRUTAL. Don’t ever bore me. My brain goes all weird.

So what’s your child beauty pageant name? And what would your talent be?

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