Very Excellent Habits

What To Wear When You have No Idea What’s Going To Happen


really love planning things. If you’ve been reading Smaggle for a while this will come as no surprise to you. Planning soothes me. It sets my mind at ease. I adore travelling but it’s quite stressful for someone who likes to know what’s going to happen. Is it going to rain? Will it suddenly get cold? Will I miss the last train and have to walk for 2 hours back to the hotel? There are just so many variables so when I’m travelling, so I go with comfortable, modest clothing that I can last all day in and always in natural fibres. Sometimes you have to skip a shower when you’re on the move and second day polyester is gross. Cotton and linen all the way.

Denim pants from Sussan * Top from Cos in Germany * Shoes from Freya and Sabine *

This was worn for a day of strolling around in Berlin, eating sausages, drinking coffee and soaking up the culture. I’m back home in Melbourne now and jet lagged AF, wishing I was back in Berlin a

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Have you ever been to Germany? Where did you go?


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