Very Excellent Habits

10 Weird Sex Facts You Probably Don’t Know


uite recently I got to meet the amazing lass who replaced Chrissie Swan on the radio when she was on maternity leave. That amazing lass is Katie Monty Dimond and I love her. She’s totally ace. I may also have told her how prepared I was to hate her when she turned The Chrissie and Jane Show into The Some Chick I Don’t Know and Jane Show and how I had a really bad attitude about the whole shebang. She won me over in about 5 seconds. I was sold. She’s guest posting on Smaggle today with a post about weird sex facts from her website Show and Tell. Enjoy. She’s a bit of a ripper this one. 

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Let’s talk about sex baby.  Did you read that or sing that Salt n Pepa style? If you simply read it, go back to the beginning and sing it please.

Thank you.

So in my spare time I Google. A lot. So recently I stumbled across some facts about sex and when I say stumbled, I mean I literally Googled ‘interesting sex facts’. Here are some of my favourites.

1. The typical female orgasm lasts 25 seconds. I can’t decided if that’s good or bad.

2.  The clitoris has about 8000 nerve endings… and it doesn’t stop growing. By age 32, your clitoris is four times larger than it was at puberty.

3. Women can have wet dreams too. It happens in the REM cycle (about 90 minutes into your sleep), when blood flow to the vagina increases.

4.  Celery releases odours that make you horny. Whaaaa? *crunch*

5. Sex during your period can ease menstrual cramps. How romantic.

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6. Touching the sides of a man’s torso triggers a nerve that makes his erection harder.

7. Semen isn’t low carb – it’s mostly made of sugar. Hmmmm….

8. Making out burns about 20 kilojoules a minute. Who needs the gym?

9. Don’t hold your breath during sex: the more oxygen that gets to your genitals, the more aroused you’ll be. Breathing also prevents passing out. Note: breathing is essential always.

10. Sprinkling salt on your tongue before oral may help lessen your gag reflex.

Now get busy testing these facts. Or not. Whatever.

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Do you know any weird sex facts? Do share!

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