Very Excellent Habits

We Need To Talk…

stress, dealing with stress

girl in a striped vest on the shore


ost people don’t start panicking about Christmas until December but I’m already in full on panic mode. There’s just a lot of stuff to be done and very little time in which to do it. Freelancing and blogging is tough going in December – every client and brand wants ‘everything sorted out before Christmas’ which means hard core deadlines, working weekends and not getting a huge amount of sleep. It’s good though because January is usually very quiet work wise so I like working hard right up until Christmas and then having a slow start to the year to work the stuff I want to work on.

Sometimes I get all out of control and forget to check in with my people so that’s what I’m doing today with Pip Lincolne’s taking stock list… Here’s what I’m up to at the moment. Sometimes we just need to take a break… we need to talk you know?

Making: Crochet slippers for the December Crochet Coach pattern release. I’m just working on the men’s sizes. I can’t wait to teach my students how to make these!

Cooking: Not very much to be honest. I’m doing a healthy eating reset called Highway To Health in the Straight & Curly Facebook group so I’m eating lots of soups and smoothies. I do plan on making chorizo pasta tomorrow night though.

Drinking: Again, not a lot. Lots of tea!

Reading: A Mother’s Reckoning. It’s written by one of the mother’s of the Columbine murderers. It’s fascinating and well worth a read if any of you are into to that kind of thing.

Wanting: To go back in time to Supre in 2001 when very long singlet tops were in fashion. I wear fitted, long, racer back singlets to bed and I can’t find good ones anywhere. Noughties Supre had it going on. I also have a ridiculously long torso. It’s hard to singlet in my land.

Looking: For a pair of TSA approved scissors I can take on flights so I can crochet. I’ve lost so many pairs of scissors on flights this year.

Playing: Mario Kart 8. Mr Smaggle wants to sell the Wii so we’re getting our fun in before we get rid of it.

Deciding: On what to get everyone for Christmas. I almost finished my shopping but then I had a few last minute ring-ins. Back to the drawing board!

Wishing: The US election was a bad dream we’d all wake up from. #Imstillwithher

Enjoying: My new wake up light. It simulates the sun rising and it’s just making getting up the morning so much easier.

Waiting: Until tonight! I get to see The Last Five Years (my favourite musical) live for the first time. I’m so excited. Like Harry Potter excited.

Liking: Modi Bodi undies. They sent me some and I like them very much.

Wondering: How people can justify voting for Trump. I’m actually stumped.

Loving: My Crochet Coach community and seeing people get better and better. It’s just delightful. And the group is so supportive – they’ve just been the best people to have as my launch crowd. Love them so much.

Pondering: Pretty much everything after watching the last season of Black Mirror.

Considering: Moving out of our apartment. It’s in such a great location but it’s small and a bit dark. But still lovely and cosy. Sigh! Decisions are hard.

Buying: Crochet hooks! I’m determined to try them all.

Watching: Call the Midwife. Can’t even. Chummy is the best.

Hoping: The world isn’t about to implode because of said US election.

Marvelling: At how quickly time passes. I swear it was January five minutes ago.

Cringing: At David Brent. We’re re-watching The Office and it’s painful. In an amazing way.

Needing: Summer sandals. I hate them all and the ones I like give me blisters. I managed to skip summer by traveling last year but it’s not going to work this year. Anyone have any great sandal recommendations?

Questioning: Whether it’s a good idea to book a Tiger flight for an important meeting. Their track record with me this year has been awesome but I’ve been burnt before… stay tuned.

Smelling: Not much actually. We have an air purifier now and it makes the smells all go away.

Wearing: Striped dresses. I have like 5 now. I think they’re my new staple.

Following: @mollamills – my crochet idol.

Noticing: How bonkers the weather is getting the older I get.

Knowing: That I taste delicious to mossies.

Thinking: About what it would be like to be REALLY famous, like Jennifer Aniston famous. Must be weird.

Admiring: Emma Watson. She’s just so smart and awesome.

Sorting: Back end stuff of Crochet Coach. The non-glamorous side of blogging.

Getting: Tired of explaining to people why marriage equality is necessary. I won’t stop but it’s like trying to explain to someone why you need to keep milk in the fridge. It’s like ‘der’!

Bookmarking: All my most used sites in my toolbar – makes such a difference!

Coveting: A house with lots of natural light and fast internet.

Disliking: Having to say no to things but knowing it’s necessary for me to be able to get things done.

Opening: Mail! Lots of lovely mail this week – some singlet tops I was hoping would be good (they aren’t), a crochet hook from a sweet maker and a present for Mr Smaggle for Christmas.

Giggling: At my bestie. She’s been sending me messages pretending to be a Tinder date and they’re hilarious.

Feeling: Okay. Work is good, friends are good. Stuff is good. I’m treading water but I’m… good. 🙂

Snacking: On celery sticks! I’m re-setting my eating so I’m trying to not eat treats.

Helping: My crochet crew! I love answering questions and trouble shooting crochet problems.

Hearing: ABC Classic Radio. I listen to it all day when I’m writing.

If you want to play along here’s the list:

Making :
Cooking :
Drinking :

If you use this list anywhere please tag the wonderful Pip Lincolne from Meet Me At Mike’s. She wrote the list and she very kindly lets people use it because she’s a darling.

What about you? Please do take a moment and tell me what you’re up to. It’s such a lovely, mindful way to spend ten minutes.

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So tell me… how are you?


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P.S Have you signed up for the free Crochet Coach granny square intro lesson yet?

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