Very Excellent Habits

5 Ways To Love Yourself Before You Leave The House Today


get a lot of emails from readers who struggle with their self esteem. Feeling good about yourself can be a total bitch thing to achieve and there’s no quick fix for a bad case of self hatred but honestly, it can’t hurt to try. If you’re feeling a bit down in the dumps, here are 5 ways to love yourself before you leave the house today.

Wear comfortable clothes that fit

People totally underestimate the importance of comfortable clothing. If you spend all day fishing your undies out of your butt crack or tugging at your shirt because it’s gaping at the front, you’re going to be super cranky at the end of the day and you might not even know why. You don’t need an enormous wardrobe full of stuff, you just need a few comfortable outfits, that fit well and that you feel good in. Tip: If you’re questioning whether something is too small or too big, it probably is. Trust yourself. You know when clothes fit you.

Write down three things you like about yourself

If you’ve never done this before, I demand that you do it today. Just three little things that you like about yourself. It could be that you make amazing cups of tea, that you’re a good friend, that you tell amazing jokes or you’ve got really gorgeous feet. Writing down a few things that are awesome about you is such a wonderful and postitive thing to do to start your day. Try it!

Get really excited about something

I love people who get too excited about things. I used to work with a girl who would do finger guns every time the local cafe hadn’t run out of her favourite sandwich. How delightful is that? Think of something that will make your day awesome – meeting a friend for lunch, buying that awesome pair of shoes you’ve had your eye on or splitting a sinful muffin with a work colleague and get EXCITED about it. Do a little dance or a fist pump when the exciting thing happens. Never be too cool to get excited about stuff. It makes your life pretty wonderful.

Harness your water-off-a-duck’s-back mentality

You can spend all morning summoning up the most positive attitude of the century but if you run into a jerk, they could destroy the whole thing. If someone throws their bullshit at you, I want you to imagine it washing over you like water off a duck’s back. Literally imagine it. People throw crap at other people hoping they’ll catch it, so don’t be standing there with your arms open, ready to received it. Get your duck brain in gear before you leave the house and there’s no way shit will stick to you.

Wink at yourself in the mirror

Just a little cheeky wink on your way out the door. Let yourself know that you’ve got your own back today. When you remind yourself that you’re on your own side, you turn up your positively levels a couple of awesome notches.

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Are you feeling excellent today? How awesome are YOU?


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