What is wardrobe_remix I hear you ask? Well actually most of you reading this are probably from remix but for those of you who aren’t here is the deal. You toddle on over to Flickr and make yourself an account. Then you post one head-to-toe photo a day then send it to the wardrobe_remix group and people are welcome to comment on your photo if they like it. With no nastiness allowed and a big emphasis on remixing and thrifting clothes it’s an eclectic mix of over 5000 people from all over the world sharing their daily fashion with each other. It’s just like a big old love in of the quirky, the cute and the seriously stylish fashionistas. Wardrobe remix comes to you from the fabulous Tricia Royal from Bitsandbobbins. Her blog is lovely and colourful and her idea for wardrobe sharing is utterly splendid! Here is a little tasty treat of my favourite beauties from the pool of photos… and by that I mean that ones that I have been stalking.
This is lebonbonmulticolore – She is my darling of wardrobe_remix. I discovered her through The Cool Hunter months ago and I adore her.
Strawberrykitten– This girl dresses like a manga cartoon and she is awesome. She makes a lot of her own clothes too.
Persephassa – Every day this girl looks like she drinks tea and strolls around under canopied trees. She is just marvelous.
Verhext – She is so beautiful. And she rocks curly hair! She is simply a gorgeous creature.
And Miss Piksi – She is brand new to wardrobe_remix and I am completely fascinated by her sense of style and her gorgeous photos. This one is for Mr Smaggle because he loves Marimekko.
It’s just too inspiring. And everyone is so lovely. And stylish. And creative. It’s like finding a lovely pre-made family full of people who are as wacky as me…
Hey I am just as grungy as you! Wait till I post today’s daily style. It’s… modern.
I think I would be too terrified to put myself up there, so many of these girls actually put effort the effort in to look fabulous. and I don’t think “grunge chic” is really acceptable as an excuse anymore, sadly.
[…] (whom i found b/c she recently commented here on bits and bobbins telling me she wrote a post about wardrobe_remix…hello! and thank you!) has a small, sassy list of quality quotes in this […]
[…] (whom i found b/c she recently commented here on bits and bobbins telling me she wrote a post about wardrobe_remix…hello! and thank you!) has a small, sassy list of quality quotes in this […]