Very Excellent Habits

Why does everyone turn to look at her when she enters the room?

Because she’s extraordinary. I’m talking about Catherine Baba. I’ve known of her existence for a few years now, a petite package lavishly embellished with sequins and embroidery and always crowned with a turban. She’s been mysteriously popping up on street style sites such as The Sartorialist and Street Peeper for years, but with very little online presence (she only recently joined Twitter because Dita Von Teese made her), she’s a difficult ghost to track down. I was writing in a cafe yesterday when I stumbled upon an interview with her in Dumbo Feather magazine. I just wanted to share her with you.

She’s Australian born and raised and left her home town of Sydney when she was just 17 years old. She went straight to Paris. Catherine studied fashion in the same year as John Galliano, even living with him during their studies. She’s a designer, stylist, artist and eccentric.

She makes me want to drink champagne in the afternoon and spend my rent money on impracticle shoes.

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