Very Excellent Habits

3 Things That Are Totally Tickling My Fancy

a pair of shoes on a wooden floor


ou know the best things I’ve ever discovered have been recommended to me by a friend. Most of the make-up I use, the milk I drink and even my sports socks were all friend recommendations. About once a month I like to do a post about the things I’m loving in case you might like them too. You know the rules though… you have to recommend three things in the comments. I love discovering new stuff and you guys alway have the best suggestions. Here are three things that are totally tickling my fancy this month…


Mr Smags and I were desperate for a new show to binge watch. We’re hanging out for the next season of Better Call Saul and Peepshow and we needed to fill the hole. We started watching Fargo a few nights ago and it has fast become a part of our nightly routine. It’s full of amazing actors like Martin Freeman, Billy Bob Thornton and Bob Odenkirk (filling the Saul hole quite nicely thank you!). It’s a black comedy/crime drama hybrid which is awesome for sick weirdos like me. Highly recommend it and it doesn’t require too much brain power which is a huge plus.


I got obsessed with this stuff after a mate of mine jacked a bunch of TWG tea bags from the Qantas lounge. It’s stupidly expensive but stupidly awesome tea. Mr Smaggle brought me a tin of vanilla tea back from Singapore last time he was there and we’ve been allowing ourselves one delicious cup every day. It’s about $25 for 50gms – it’s practically criminal but I love it so much. Also a little bit of trivia: Their logo has the date 1837 on it which makes you think they’ve been around since 1837 but that’s just the date Singapore became a port for tea exchange. The company has only been around since 2009. Cheeky monkeys.

Brother Ali

I’m not hugely into popular music. My play list consists of mainly Michael Jackson and show tunes. If you asked me to name someone who’s released an album in the last year I’d have a really hard time coming up with an answer. Mr Smags is into hip hop and I’ve recently started listening to some of his music. My favourite is Brother Ali. He’s an albino Muslim from Minnesota and all of his songs are about love, respect and basically just living the shit out of life. Mr Smaggle and I even went to see one of his gigs are few weeks ago when he was in Australia and it was amazing. I got mad respect at a party the other day for knowing who Brother Ali was. Bonza.

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So tell me… what things are tickling your fancy at the moment?


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