Very Excellent Habits

10 Lovely Things to Do This Weekend

Creative bouquet in boots


r Smaggle and I are so boring when it comes to the weekend. We wake up late, eat breakfast on the couch in our underwear, walk to the city, walk home and then work on our laptops while watching a non-descript sitcom that only requires a partial amount of our attention. Occasionally we’ll have dinner with friends but that’s about as complicated as it gets.

I find the biggest problem with doing something cool on the weekend is actually thinking of the cool thing. It’s far too much pressure to think of things on the spot, so I’ve knocked together a wee little list of 10 lovely things to do this weekend…

 1. Go ice skating

Pop on some woollen tights and a little skater skirt? Have a hot chocolate? Kiss your lover on the side lines?

2. Get dressed up for bed

Wear black silk pyjamas? A delicious lace camisole? Nothing but perfume and satin eye mask?

3. Go for a drive in the country

Wear your adventure clothes? Go for a long walk in the bush? Eat apples? Take a thermos of hot coffee?

4. Choose your signature drink

Whisky neat? Cabernet merlot? An old fashioned?

5. Sign up for a course

Coffee making? Flower arranging? Photography?

6. Take your book to a cafe

Order a delicate cake? And a pot of fragrant tea? Escape for a few hours?

7. Go to the theatre

Wear opera gloves? Drink champagne? Bellow ‘Marvelous darling!’ at the curtain call and give a standing ovation?

8. Try a food you’ve never tried before

Blood pudding? Sweet breads? Truffles? Chicken feet?

9. Be a tourist in your own town

Visit your local art gallery? Have dinner at the fanciest restaurant you can afford? Hire a limo for a city tour?

10. Take a nap

A post breakfast doze? An afternoon session? A pre-party refresher?

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What are your weekend plans? Doing anything a little bit different this weekend?


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P.S Did you know there’s a Smaggle newsletter? And Smags on Facebook? There’s lots of cool shit in both places so make sure you go to there.

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