Very Excellent Habits

5 Things Organised People Do Every Day

Top view angle shot of white wooden desktop with notepad and silver pen. Horizontal format.

Organised people are usually quite fascinating to the dis-organised. I know this because I’m an annoyingly organised person. When I worked in an office, I’d show up at the lunch table with a perfectly packed nutritious lunch every day and there would always be a few people who couldn’t quite figure out how I managed to function so efficiently.

It was like they thought I was a wizard or something. As illusive as organisation can be, I can assure you that most organised people, organise their lives in the same way and they’re consistent with their routines. It might sound boring as hell to chaotic types, but there’s merit in the mundane, I promise. Here are 5 things organised people do every day.

They plan the night before

Organised people do everything they can the night before to prepare for the next day. This might mean packing your bag, laying out your gym clothes, packing your lunch or charging your laptop. You should do anything you can tonight to make tomorrow better.

They embrace the concept of ‘good enough’

Organised people aren’t perfect and the reason why is because they know that done is better than perfect. You obviously want to do everything to the best of your ability but sometimes we use that an excuse to never finish anything. Nothing will ever be perfect so be a grown up and get it done instead.

They have morning and evening rituals

Most organised people do the same thing every morning and every evening. If you wake up in the morning, have a shower, eat breakfast, get dressed, read the paper and have a coffee, this ritual will become a habit and so will the managing of small tasks that stress you out daily. If you create a routine of putting your keys in the same spot everyday, you will always know where your keys are.

They do an evening tidy up

Clutter and mess are the enemy of organisation. Organised people do a tidy up at night because they know this will help them the next day. Crashing around the house trying to find your shoes is a really shit house way to start the day. It takes just ten minutes before you go to bed and it might just change your whole attitude for the coming day.

They completely finish a task before starting another one

Organised people love to complete tasks. There are few things I love more in life more than ticking off my to-do list for the day. Try to fall in love with task completion. You know that amazing rush of endorphins you get when you finish a run on the treadmill, hand in an assignment or finally empty your inbox? Why wouldn’t you try to have that feeling as many times in a day that you can manage?

How are you organisation skills? Good? Average? What are you orgaisatiom tips?

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